Publication Release Form

First read the full text of our publication release agreement. Note that we do not ask you to transfer the copyright to us:

1. This is an agreement between Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation (DRNA), and the copyright owner (the Owner) of a work (the Work) to be published in DRNA.

2. The Owner warrants that s/he has the full power and authority to enter into this agreement and to grant the rights granted in this agreement.

3. The Owner hereby grants to DRNA a worldwide, irrevocable, royalty free license to publish or distribute the Work, to enter into arrangements with others to publish or distribute the Work, and to archive the Work.

4. The Owner agrees that further publication of the Work, with the same or substantially the same content as appears in DRNA, will include an acknowledgement of prior publication in DRNA.

Now, copy the text of the agreement above into an e-mail message to Then add the title of your paper and the names of all authors, plus the statement "I (We) accept the terms of this agreement". Type "Publication Release" in the subject line and send the message.