2021 UNC Greensboro PDE Conference. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conference 26 (2022), pp. 115-122.

Multiple solutions for a weighted p-Laplacian problem

Rohit Kumar, Abhishek Sarkar

We prove the existence of at least three solutions for a weighted p-Laplacian operator involving Dirichlet boundary condition in a weighted Sobolev space. The main tool we use here is a three solution theorem in reflexive Banach spaces due to Bonanno and Ricceri.

Published August 25, 2022.
Math Subject Classifications: 35B38, 35J62, 35J92.
Key Words: Weighted p-Laplacian; weighted Sobolev space; critical points.

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Rohit Kumar
The Department of Mathematics
IIT Jodhpur, Jodhpur
Rajasthan 342030, India
email: kumar.174@iitj.ac.in
Abhishek Sarkar
The Department of Mathematics
IIT Jodhpur, Jodhpur
Rajasthan 342030, India
email: abhisheks@iitj.ac.in

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