Journal statistics

In 2022, the EJDE received 627 submissions. The number of articles published in the years 2019 - 2022 are 131, 132, 104, and 87, respectively.

Regarding the time from submission to publication for the year 2022, we have a Median of 234 days, and a Mean of 239 days.

Impact factors:
The Mathematical Citation Quotient shows 0.52 for year 2019. This is the number of citations divided by number of publications.

The Science Journal Impact Factor shows 1.129 for year 2021.

Metadata for this and other journals is available from Directory of Open Access Journals at Lund University Libraries. The DOAJ service supports the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH). Thus, any other service can obtain records from DOAJ for inclusion in their collection. The base URL is:
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