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\dateposted{November 4, 1997}
\PII{S 1079-6762(97)00034-6}


\copyrightinfo{1997}{American Mathematical Society}

\renewcommand \Bbb{\mathbf}
\newcommand \R{{\mathbf R}}
%\newcommand \P{{\Bbb P}}
%\newcommand \S{{\Bbb S}}
\newcommand \A{{\cal A}}
%\newcommand \Vect{{\rm Vect}}
\newcommand \V{{\cal V}}
\newcommand \Vp{\V_P}
\newcommand \Vq{\V_Q}
\newcommand \D{{\cal D}}
\newcommand \bDp{\overline{\D_P}}
\newcommand \bDq{\overline{\D_Q}}
\newcommand \Dp{\D_P}
\newcommand  \Dq{\D_Q}
\newcommand \dX{\delta_X}
\newcommand \E{{\cal E}}
\newcommand \ep{\E_{P}}
\newcommand \eq{\E_{Q}}
%\newcommand \Sp{\S_{P,Q}}
\newcommand \Spq{\mathbf{S}_{P,Q}}
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\newcommand \Cp{\C_P}
\newcommand \Cq{\C_Q}
\renewcommand \mp{m_{P,Q}}
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\newcommand \schmendric{\sim} 



\title{Quantization of Poisson structures on $\R^2$}

\author{Dmitry Tamarkin}

\address{Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, 
218 McAllister Building, University Park, PA 16802}


\date{September 2, 1997}

\commby{Alexandre Kirillov}

\subjclass{Primary 81Sxx}

% \maketitle
An `isomorphism' between the `moduli space' of 
star products on $\R^2$ and the `moduli space' of all 
formal Poisson structures on $\R^2$ is established.


The problem of quantization of Poisson structures has been posed  in \cite{FFF}.
It is well known that any Poisson structure on a two-dimensional manifold is quantizable. In this paper 
we establish an `isomorphism' between the `moduli space' of 
star products on $\R^2$ and the `moduli space' of all 
formal Poisson structures on $\R^2$ by construction of a 
map from Poisson structures to star products. Certainly, this isomorphism 
follows from the Kontsevich formality conjecture \cite{Kon}. Most likely,
our map can be used as a first step in constructing 
an $L_{\infty}$-quasiisomorphism in the formality conjecture for $\R^2$.
The author would like to thank Boris Tsygan and Paul Bressler for the attention
and helpful suggestions.
The set of all star-products $ %\S
\Bbb S$ is acted upon by the group
$\d\semi{\operatorname{Diffeo}}\R^2$, where $\d$ is the group of operators of the form
$1+hD_1+h^2D_2+\cdots$ with $D_k$ to be arbitrary differential operators.
The set of all formal Poisson structures $%\P
\Bbb P$ consists of
formal series in $h$ with bivector fields as the coefficients. Formal Poisson
structures are acted upon by the group
where ${\operatorname{Vect}}$ is the Lie algebra of vector fields on $\R^2$.
These actions define  equivalence relations. We want to have a pair of maps
$f_1: %\S
\Bbb S\arrow%\P
\Bbb P$ and $f_2:%\P
\Bbb P\arrow %\S
\Bbb S$ such that 
\[ %$$
f_1\circ f_2(x)\schmendric x,\quad
f_2\circ f_1(x)\schmendric x, 
\] %$$
x\schmendric y\follows f_{1,2}x\schmendric f_{1,2}y.\label{equiv}
 By a map from $ %\S
\Bbb S$ we mean a differential expression in terms of the coefficients of the bidifferential operators
corresponding to the star products. Maps from $%\P
\Bbb P$ are defined similarly.

We can replace $ %\S
\Bbb S$ by a subspace. Let $P,Q$ be a nondegenerate pair of
(real) polarizations of $\R^2$. Define a subset $ %\S
\Bbb{S}_{P,Q}$ of $ %\S
\Bbb S$ in the following
$m\in  %\Sp
\Spq$ iff $m(f,g)=fg$ if $f$ is constant along $P$ or $g$ is constant along
Let $x,y$ be a nondegenerate coordinate system on $\R^2$ such that $x$
is constant along $Q$ and $y$ is constant along $P$. Then there exists a unique
map $
\Bbb{S}\arrow\d :m\mapsto U(m)=1+hV(m)$ such that
1)\quad&  \mp(m)=U^{-1}(m(Uf,Ug))\in %\Sp
\Spq,\\ %$$ 
2)\quad& Ux=x,\ Uy=y,\ U1=1.
$U$ is uniquely defined by the condition
$U(x^{*m}*y^{*n})=x^my^n$ (where star denotes the star product $m$).
We denote by $\mp: %\S
\Bbb S\to %\Sp
\Spq$ the map which sends $m$ to $\mp(m)$. 
Further, $x,y$ will mean the same as in Proposition 1.
Thus, it is enough to find maps $p_1: %\Sp
\Bbb P$ and $p_2:%\P
\Bbb P\arrow %\Sp
 with the same properties as  $f_1,f_2$ have. Indeed, put
f_2  =  i\circ p_2, \qquad
f_1  =  p_1\circ \mp \label{masya} 
(here $i:  %\Sp
\Spq\arrow  %\S
\Bbb S$ is
the inclusion).
The following theorem gives an explicit construction for $p_2$ which appears
to be a bijective map so that we can put $p_1=p_2^{-1}$. Denote by 
(resp. $\Cq$) the space of functions, constant along $Q$ (resp. $P$). Denote by $\Vp$
(resp. $\Vq$) the space of
vector fields preserving the polarizations and tangent to $P$ (resp. $Q$).
Denote by $\Dp$ the subalgebra of the algebra of differential operators
consisting of operators $D$ such that $D(\Cq)\subset \Cq$ and
$D(fg)=fD(g)$ if $f\in \C_P$.  Denote by $\Dq$ the same algebra where
$P$ and $Q$ are interchanged. In the coordinates $x,y$
we have $\Cp=\{f(x)\}$, $\Vp=\{f(x)\partial_x\}$, 
$\Dp=\sum f_i(x)\partial_x^i$ 
and the same things with $P$ replaced by $Q$ and $x$ replaced by $y$. 
Denote by $\bDp$ (resp. $\bDq$) the subring of $\Dp$
(resp. $\Dq$) consisting of operators which annihilate
constant functions.

Note that the space of bivector fields is isomorphic to
$\Vp\otimes_{\R}\Vq$. Let $\D_{P,k}$ be the space of maps
$Vp^{\otimes k}\arrow \bDp$ (which are differential operators
in terms of the coefficients).

a) There exists a unique sequence $c_k\in \D_{P,k}\otimes
\D_{Q,k}, k=0,1,2,\ldots,$ $c_k=\sum_i a^i_k\otimes b^i_k$, 
$c_0(X,Y)=1\otimes 1$, such that for any 
bivector field $\Psi=\sum_i X_i\wedge Y_i$, $X_i\in \Vp,Y_i\in \Vq$, the formula
&\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\times L_{Y_{i_1}}\{b^n_k(Y_{i_2},Y_{i_3},\ldots,Y_{i_{k+1}})g\}\\
 &=\sum_k m_k(f,g).
gives a star-product.

b) Put $p_2:%\P
\Bbb P\to %\Sp
\Spq: \Psi\to m(\Psi,P,Q,\cdot,\cdot)$.
Put $p_1=p_2^{-1}$. Then $p_1$ and $p_2$ provide an isomorphism of $%\P
\Bbb P$
and $S$ by \eqref{masya}.

\bibitem{FFF}{F. Bayen, M. Flato, C. Fronsdal, A. Lichnerowicz,
and D. Sternheimer, Deformation theory and quantization, I, II, 
Ann. Phys. 11 (1978), 61--151.} 
\MR{58:14737a}, \MR{58:14737b}
\bibitem{Kon}{M. Kontsevich, Formality conjecture, preprint, to appear in
Proc. of Summer School on Deformation Quantization in Ascona.}
%\bibitem{Ber}{F. Berezin, Secondary Quantization.}


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