EMIS/ELibM Electronic Journals

Outdated Archival Version

These pages are not updated anymore. They reflect the state of 22 June 2005. For the current production of this journal, please refer to http://intlpress.com/HHA/.

Homology, Homotopy and Applications - General Information

General Information

Homology, Homotopy and Applications (ISSN 1512 - 0139) is the all-electronic, refereed journal on Homological and Homotopical Algebra and their applications in the mathematical sciences. Aims and scope of the journal are described below in detail.

The Editorial Board controls the journal with coordination by its Editor-in-Chief, Hvedri Inassaridze. Paper copies of articles are archived at the Razmadze Mathematical Institute Library.

The AMS e-math Web site has a list of electronic journals in the mathematical sciences.


Homology and homotopy are important disciplines of algebra and topology having fundamental and diverse applications to many fields of mathematics.

Their investigation methods,inspired by geometrical and topological constructions,play a crucial role on the development of all the mathematics, ranging from algebraic topology to functional analysis and Galois theory. They essentially study homological, homotopical and categorical properties of a wide variety of algebraic and topological objects.

With the use of standard (co)homology and homotopy theories (derived functors, spectral sequences, sheaf cohomology, fibrations, homotopy of simplicial objects) and their non-abelian, topological and categorical aspects, spectacular applications were obtained in the last thirty years in general algebra, algebraic topology, K-theory and algebraic geometry. New important, rapidly expanding and intensivly developing areas of algebra such as algebraic K-theory and cyclic homology are closely related with homological and homotopical algebra.

So the influence of homology and homotopy is found in many fundamental domains of mathematics and the aim of "Homology, Homotopy and Applications" is to unify such applications, to show its merit, importance and diversity and to present in time to its reader new information about the progress of the area and the relationships with other fields.

To this end "Homology, Homotopy and Applications" will publish carefully refereed significant and original research papers and expository survey papers of high level in the area, as well as research papers having substantial applications of results and technique of homological and homotopical algebra, for example to general algebra, algebraic topology, algebraic homotopy, algebraic geometry, K-theory, category theory,computer science, Galois theory, functional analysis, algebraic number theory, differential geometry and topology.

Articles appearing in the journal have been carefully and critically refereed under the responsibility of members of the Editorial Board. Only papers judged excellent are accepted for publication.

The method of distribution of the journal is via Internet tools (WWW, ftp, etc.)

The journal is archived electronically and in printed paper format.

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The journal "Homology, Homotopy and Applications" has been founded in 1998 by Hvedri Inassaridze, Head of the Algebra Department of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Tbilisi State University, Georgia.






Managing Editors



The members of the Steering Committee are:

Refereeing process to be used by the Editorial Board

Papers may be submitted to any Editor, Managing Editor and to the Editor-in-Chief. An Editor may submit a paper for HHA to another Editor where it will obtain the usual refereeing process.

When an article is received, reply to the author(s) to let know that the article has been received. That acknowledgment should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief including author(s) name(s), electronic and postal addresses, title of the paper and date received.

The Editor is responsible for finding referees (insisting on 2 referees as appropriate) and for making decision on acceptance or rejection based on these reports. Referee's name(s) are communicated to a Managing Editor or to the Editor-in-Chief by the receiving Editor. The Editor has the veto power over any submitted paper.

Referee's reports will be kept by the receiving Editor who will provide a copy to the author(s). Summaries of reports or comments on them are sent to the Editor-in-Chief for filing.

The decision on acceptance or rejection is communicated to the Editor-in-Chief and to the author(s) by the receiving Editor. Based on Editors recommendation the papers are published by the Editor-in-Chief.

After final checking by the receiving Editor the revised version (TeX/LaTex files) of accepted papers are sent to the Editor-in-Chief at hvedri@rmi.acnet.ge by the author(s).

A proof dvi-file will be sent to the author(s) before publication.

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Subscribers to the journal receive abstracts of accepted papers by electronic mail. Compiled TeX (.dvi) and Postscript files of the full articles are available by WWW/ftp.

To subscribe, fill the Subscribe Form. The journal is free to individuals.

University Departments, Libraries, and other institutional subscribers are invited to consult with the Editor-in-Chief about subscription and archiving. Authors retain copyright to articles appearing in the Journal. The Journal is copyrighted by its Editorial Board. For further information, contact the Editor-in-Chief, Hvedri Inassaridze, hvedri@rmi.acnet.ge .

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Information by ftp

The general information contained in the pages above, and the contents of the journal are available by anonymous ftp from: ftp://ftp.rmi.acnet.ge/pub/hha .

Mirrors of the journal:

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