Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 11 (2008), Article 08.5.1

On Prime-Detecting Sequences From Apéry's Recurrence Formulae for ζ(3) and ζ(2)

Carsten Elsner
Fachhochschule für die Wirtschaft
University of Applied Sciences
Freundallee 15
D-30173 Hannover


We consider the linear three-term recurrence formula

\begin{displaymath}X_n =
(34{(n-1)}^3 + 51{(n-1)}^2 + 27(n-1) +5) X_{n-1} - {(n-1)}^6 X_{n-2}
\quad (n\geq 2) \end{displaymath}

corresponding to Apéry's non-regular continued fraction for \(\zeta(3) \). It is shown that integer sequences \({(X_n)}_{n\geq 0} \) with \(5X_0 \not= X_1 \) satisfying the above relation are prime-detecting, i.e., \(X_n \not\equiv 0 \,(\bmod \,n) \) if and only if \(n\) is a prime not dividing \(\vert 5X_0 - X_1\vert \). Similar results are given for integer sequences satisfying the recurrence formula

\begin{displaymath}X_n = (11{(x-1)}^2 + 11(x-1) + 3) X_{n-1} +
{(n-1)}^4 X_{n-2} \quad (n\geq 2) \end{displaymath}

corresponding to Apéry's non-regular continued fraction for \(\zeta(2) \) and for sequences related to \(\log 2 \).

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(Concerned with sequences A000040 A000045 A000142 A001850 A003418 A005258 and A005259 .)

Received July 25 2008; revised version received October 23 2008. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, November 16 2008.

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