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 Probability Surveys > Vol. 13 (2016) open journal systems 

On moment sequences and mixed Poisson distributions

Markus F. Kuba, FH Technikum Wien
Alois Panholzer, TU-Wien

In this article we survey properties of mixed Poisson distributions and probabilistic aspects of the Stirling transform: given a non-negative random variable \(X\) with moment sequence \((\mu_s)_{s\in\mathbb{N}}\) we determine a discrete random variable \(Y\), whose moment sequence is given by the Stirling transform of the sequence \((\mu_s)_{s\in\mathbb{N}}\), and identify the distribution as a mixed Poisson distribution. We discuss properties of this family of distributions and present a new simple limit theorem based on expansions of factorial moments instead of power moments. Moreover, we present several examples of mixed Poisson distributions in the analysis of random discrete structures, unifying and extending earlier results. We also add several entirely new results: we analyse triangular urn models, where the initial configuration or the dimension of the urn is not fixed, but may depend on the discrete time \(n\). We discuss the branching structure of plane recursive trees and its relation to table sizes in the Chinese restaurant process. Furthermore, we discuss root isolation procedures in Cayley trees, a parameter in parking functions, zero contacts in lattice paths consisting of bridges, and a parameter related to cyclic points and trees in graphs of random mappings, all leading to mixed Poisson-Rayleigh distributions. Finally, we indicate how mixed Poisson distributions naturally arise in the critical composition scheme of Analytic Combinatorics.

AMS 2000 subject classifications: 60C05.

Keywords: Mixed Poisson distribution, factorial moments, Stirling transform, limiting distributions, urn models, parking functions, record-subtrees.

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Kuba, Markus F., Panholzer, Alois, On moment sequences and mixed Poisson distributions, Probability Surveys, 13, (2016), 89-155 (electronic). DOI: 10.1214/14-PS244.


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