Statistics Department
Colombian Journal of Statistics

Special Issue of the Colombian Journal of Statistics in Current Topics in Statistical Graphics

Call for Papers
Special issue in "Current Topics in Statistical Graphics"

The Colombian Journal of Statistics invites researchers to submit scientific papers for the Special Issue in Current Topics in Statistical Graphics. This special issue has the purpose of bringing together current advances and uses of well-known and novel graphical methods from different research areas so that the reader finds potential applications to his/her own research field. The present special issue aims at adding an extra value to the special issues published in the RCE by publishing in English language all manuscripts accepted.

Graphical statistical methods are ubiquitous in scientific research carried out in several fields. For example, in meteorology, wind boxplots are used to depict distributions of wind speed and directional data, and, in computational biology, dendograms are used to display arrangements of clusters found by hierarchical clustering methods. As it occurs with statistical tests, specific scientific areas borrow statistical graphics from other scientific areas. For example, similar to ANOVA test being used in different research areas, boxplots are used in different research areas as well. Additionally, graphical statistics are not only used to represent/explore data, but they are also used, among other things, to test assumptions, select estimators, and detect outliers. Thus, statistical graphics are tools capable of exploring the content of data, finding structure in data, checking assumptions in statistical models, and communicating the results of analyses. Given new developments in methods for the visualisation of quantitative and categorical data, it is then necessary to be aware of the latest advances in order to probe potential cross-field implementations or further the capabilities of the graphical methods.

For this special issue, manuscripts dealing with methods or applications in graphical statistics supported by computer simulations will be particularly welcomed. It is expected that manuscripts introduce the featured graphical method in a concise manner (this can be seen as a compact up-to-date literature review that sets the background of the study), report its mathematical statistics properties, display its visual appearance, state the purpose (and hypotheses, if needed) of the study, report the method used in the simulations, report the results of the simulations, and discuss implications and future challenges. Computer codes (e. g., MATLAB, R, etc.) used to generate the results can be added as an appendix if deemed necessary by the authors.

If you are interested in submitting a paper, please contact the guest editor via e-mail (, and visit our website for more information on the format ( We welcome applications to problems in engineering, manufacturing, process/chemical industry, physical sciences, social sciences, and agricultural industries. The mathematical level of the papers may range from basic, to that of the Journal of Quality Technology or Technometrics.

Please follow the standard submission format of the Colombian Journal of Statistics ( On the subject of the email please make sure you distinguish your submission for this special issue by writing your last name and “special issue” (i.e. Smith_special issue). Papers will be doubly blinded refereed, and will be selected based on subject matter, technical correctness, usefulness, interest, clarity, and readability.

Prior to the submission of a full-paper, please send the following template to the guest editor in order to have a broad idea of the topic and suitability of your contribution. Also, in this template, you can indicate some suggested reviewers.

Guest editor
Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos
University of Adelaide, Australia
Editor RCE
Leonardo Trujillo
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Invited Committee Editorial Committee Scientific Committee
Mike Cox
Newcastle University, UK
Campo Elías Pardo
Fabio Humberto Nieto
Edith Seier
East Tennessee State University, USA
Jorge E. Ortiz
Luis Alberto López
Víctor Leiva
University of Valparaíso, Chile
Juan Carlos Salazar
Francisco Javier Díaz
Xavier Romão
University of Porto, Portugal
Mónica Bécue
Enrico Colosimo
Kardi Teknomo
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Adriana Pérez
Raul Macchiavelli
Jake Olivier
University of New South Wales, Australia
María Elsa Correal
Julio da Motta Singer
Sugnet Lubbe
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Luis Alberto Escobar
Edgar Acuña
Camilo Ernesto Tovar
Raydonal Ospina
Jose Alberto Vargas
Sergio Yañez
Edilberto Cepeda
Liliana Lopez-Kleine
Alex Rojas
B. Piedad Urdinola
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 45 N° 26-85 - Edificio Uriel Gutiérrez
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
PBX: 3165000 Ext. 13231
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