Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 43

March 7 - 10, 1999, Kloster Schöntal


[B43c] Robin Chapman
On a Septuple Product Identity (4 pp.)
[B43d] Jens Liebehenschel
Ranking and Unranking of a Generalized Dyck Language and the Application to the Generation of Random Trees (19 pp.)
[B43e] Hoang Ngoc Minh
Aspects Combinatoires des Polylogarithmes et des Sommes d'Euler-Zagier (29 pp.)
[B43f] Giuseppe Pirillo
A New Characteristic Property of the Palindrome Prefixes of a Standard Sturmian Word (4 pp.)
[B43g] Guo-Niu Han and Christian Krattenthaler
Rectangular Scott-type Permanents (25 pp.)
[B43h] Jan Snellman
On some Partial Orders Associated to Generic Initial Ideals (23 pp.)

Software Descriptions

[S43a] Bruno Gauthier
HYPERG, a Maple Package for Manipulating Hypergeometric Series (10 pp.)
[S43b] Carsten Schneider
An Implementation of Karr's Summation Algorithm in Mathematica (10 pp.)
[S43c] Fabrizio Caruso
A Macsyma Implementation of Zeilberger's Fast Algorithm (8 pp.)