ISSN 1512-0082


I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics

I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences

Aims & Scope

Bulletin of TICMI publishes original contributions from the entire field of mathematics (especially of its applications to mechanics and natural sciences) and from informatics which are of interest to a large readership. In particular, the journal publishes abstracts (with clear formulation of results) of original papers and peer-reviewed original papers (with full proof) presented at international forums organized by TICMI (Tbilisi International Center of Mathematics and Informatics).

Bulletin of TICMI is a journal of TICMI (Tbilisi International Center of Mathematics and Informatics), whose aims are, first to help young scientists of the countries of Black Sea Basin, to improve their professional skills and, second, to promote the exchange of scientific information worldwide. The editorial board of the journal consists of of the members of the ISF (International Scientific Committee) of TICMI. Three of them are appointed by the Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society.

Bulletin of TICMI is published in both the forms print and electronic (, ).