ISSN печатной версии 1683-3414   •   ISSN он-лайн версии 1814-0807


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Representation and extension of orthoregular bilinear operators

Buskes G. , Kusraev A. G.
Владикавказский математический журнал. . Том 9. 2007 г.. Выпуск 1.
In this paper we study some important structural properties of orthosymmetric bilinear operators using the concept of the square of an Archimedean vector lattice. Some new results on extension and analytical representation of such operators are presented.
Ключевые слова: vector lattice, positive bilinear operator, orthosymmetric bilinear operator, orthoregular bilinear operator, lattice bimorphism.
Язык статьи: Английский Загрузить полный текст  

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