ICM98-CL4: Bids for ICM-2002


Fourth Circular Letter

Subject: ICM98-CL4: Bids for ICM-2002

Dear Colleague:

Although preparations for ICM-98 have just begun, time has come to
think of the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2002.

Following the recommendation of the 1990 General Assembly in Kobe, Japan,
the Executive Committee has approved the following guidelines for the
operation of the Site Committee for ICM-2002.

1. Site Committee

The Site Committee will consist of the members of the IMU Executive 
Committee and the President of the Organizing Committee of the ICM-1998, 
see the IMU-server (URL: http://elib.zib-berlin.de/imu) for names and 

2. Invitation of Bids, Deadlines

All Adhering Organizations (your National Adhering Organization is also
listed in the IMU-server) are now formally invited to place bids to
hold ICM-2002. To be considered by the Site Committee, these bids must
be received by the Secretary of IMU by November 30, 1996; the address
can be found below. The Site Committee will then make its
recommendation by May 31, 1997. The recommendation of the Site
Committee will immediately afterwards be communicated to all Adhering

3. Final Decision

The final decision will be taken by the General Assembly to be held at the
middle of August, 1998, just prior to the ICM-98 in Berlin. The General
Assembly is free to consider bids placed after November 30, 1996 but the
E.C. considers most advisable that the Adhering Organizations comply with
the above procedure.

4. Selection Criteria

While it is impossible to spell out precisely all factors that will
influence the final recommendation of the Site Committee, it will take into
account the mathematical ambiance, the infrastructure and the economic
conditions offered by each bidder, as well as the accessibility of the
proposed site and the broad geographical distribution of congresses. All
countries interested in making a bid are strongly encouraged to do so.

Notes on what information the Site Committee would like to have for each bid

                            REQUESTED INFORMATION

Among other relevant information that each potential host country may want
to supply, the Site Committee wishes to know about the following items:


Clearly, costs may vary considerably from country to country. However,
according to the reports of the latest ICM'S, a potential host country may
consider a budget of about 1.5 million US dollars, of which about 0.5 or 0.6
million US dollars might be raised through registration fees (such fees
should be at most about 200 US dollars). Again, these numbers may go up or
down according to local costs and facilities. In considering the budget,
printing costs of the Proceedings and other material (posters,
announcements, summary of invited lectures,...) as well as mailing, deserve
special attention. The host country should be prepared to lodge freely about
120 young research mathematicians from developing countries, selected by
IMU; they get their trips paid by IMU through its Special Development Fund.
Also, in special cases, invited speakers are expected to receive some
financial support for attending the meeting when other funds to cover their
expenses are not available. Registration fees are waived for invited
speakers and the above young research mathematicians from developing
countries. On the other hand, is to be noted that there is an IMU subvention
to the ICM as well as some provision in its budget to defray costs of the
General Assembly Meeting that takes place just before the Congress; for
1998, these sums amount to 106,000 Swiss Frs. and 16,000 Swiss Frs.,


It is important that good facilities to hold the Congress are available. All
lectures should take place in sizable, well equipped, pleasant and audible
rooms. Special attention should be given to the plenary talks.


The city and site of the Congress should be easily accessible. That is,
flight connections from all over the world should be easily available, as
well as transportation to the site of the Congress. Lodging facilities
constitute an important item.

Finally, it is expected that the local mathematical community gets involved
in the preparations of the Congress, so as to create a nice ambiance during
the meeting.


Jacob Palis
Secretary of the International Mathematical Union


Jacob Palis
Instituto Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110 
Jardim Botanico 
22460-320 Rio de Janeiro, RJ 

Phone: +55 21-511 1749 or 21-294 9447 
Fax: +55 21-512 4112 or 21-512 4115 
E-Mail: jpalis@impa.br or imu@impa.br