ICM98-CL35 (98/11/11): Proceedings/Address Changes/Ad-Hoc Talks/WMY 2000

        E-mail information service of the 
       Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998

35th Circular Letter 

Subject: ICM98-CL35: ICM'98 Proceedings, Vol. I
                     Address Changes
                     Ordering Proceedings
                     Abstracts of Ad-Hoc Presentations
                     World Mathematical Year 2000

Dear colleague:

Before making further announcements I would like to thank
all those who have participated in ICM'98. The Organizing
Committee and all other persons involved were very happy
to have you in Berlin. We hope that the Congress met 
your expectations. 

Although ICM'98 is history, the Organizing Committee is  
still busy with many tasks such as settling all financial  
matters and finishing the proceedings, see below.

If you liked ICM'98 please consider participating in 
ICM-2002 in Beijing, China, see


for first information about the next International Congress 
of Mathematicians.

Below please find a few remarks about the ICM'98 Proceeding,
address changes, abstracts of ad-hoc presentations at ICM'98 
and about WMY 2000 that may interest you.


Volume I of the ICM'98 Proceedings is ready. Finishing Volume I 
took a little longer than expected; but having received the last 
manuscript on Friday, November 6, 1998, it was impossible for
the editors Gerd Fischer and Ulf Rehmann (who has been doing 
all the technical work) to be much faster. The electronic version
of the three volumes of the ICM'98 Proceedings can be accessed 
via the Documenta Mathematica server

Volume I is scheduled for printing on November 16. Shipping
will start in the week from November 23. I do hope that the 
postal service is reasonably fast. For all ordinary ICM'98
members, if you haven't received your Volume I copy by Christmas, 
please send an e-mail to icm98@zib.de. (Student members, please
recall that you will not get the proceedings, unless you bought
them at ICM'98.)


One typical reason for a delivery failure is a wrong address.
Please check your mailing address in the ICM'98 server by 
clicking on your name at


The address showing up there is our mailing address. We have 
installed an easy to use address change tool. Please use this
tool to update your address. Details are described in APPENDIX 1.
We will be able to process changes arriving by 

              November 18, 1998.

Documenta Mathematica and the American Mathematical Society will 
sell and distribute the ICM'98 PROCEEDINGS from now on. The price 
available through Documenta Mathematica is DM 228, and the price 
available through the AMS is US$ 140. So, if some of your colleagues 
or your library want to order the proceedings, please direct them 
to Documenta Mathematica or to the American Mathematical Society, 
as indicated below:

The order form on the Documenta server can be found at

The ICM'98 PROCEEDINGS can be ordered from the AMS by telephone at
401-455-4000, or through the AMS Bookstore at www.ams.org/bookstore


The abstracts of almost all Ad-Hoc Short Communications and Poster 
Presentations at ICM'98 (these were 235, many more than we expected) 
have been typed in the meantime, have been included in the electronic 
abstract book, see


and have been linked to the list of participants.


The next major mathematical event supported by the International
Mathematical Union is the World Mathematical Year 2000 which is
also sponsored by UNESCO. A detailed decription of the plans,
prepared by Mireille CHALEYAT-MAUREL (e-mail: mcm@ccr.jussieu.fr),  
can be found in APPENDIX 2. Please have a look and see what you 
and the Mathematical Society of your country can do to support 
this activity.


Martin Groetschel

|Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98|
| ICM'98 General E-mail Address:          icm98@zib.de            |
| Address for ICM'98            ICM'98                            |
| General Correspondence:       c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler          |
|                               TU Berlin, MA 8-2                 |
|                               Str. des 17. Juni 135             |
|                               D-10623 Berlin, Germany           |
| Winkler's personal          | Phone:  +49/30/314-24105          |
| phone, fax, e-mail:         | Fax:    +49/30/314-21604          |
|                             | E-mail: winkler@math.tu-berlin.de |
| President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee:                   |
| Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel     | E-mail:    groetschel@zib.de      |
| Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer    | Phone:     +49/30/84185-210       |
| Informationstechnik (ZIB)   | FAX:       +49/30/84185-269       |
| Takustrasse 7               | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch      |
| D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem       | Phone:     +49/30/84185-208       |
| Germany                     | ZIB-URL:   http://www.zib.de      |


To check your address proceed as follows:

On the front page of the ICM'98 server klick on the
button "participants" or go directly to


There you will find a list of names. Use the scroll bar 
and the little arrows to find your name, select it by
klicking on it such that it turns black, and hit the 
"Search" button. After a few seconds your data will 
show on the screen.

Please check in particular the following fields:

- Salutation and Title
- Lastname
- Firstname
- Postal Address for the Proceedings

These data will be used as mailing address for the
proceedings. If the address is as it should be
everything is fine, just go back to the main page. 

If the data does not correspond to the address that 
the proceedings should be sent to, click on the button 
below the data to correct it. A form will come up 
that contains your current postal data. By clicking on 
the appropriate field you can edit the text there.

Special characters in your name or address should be
typed using TeX or LaTeX syntax. Please regard the 
fields marked by an asterisk "*" as mandatory as they 
are indispensable in a postal address. Any input not 
specifying these fields will be rejected as incomplete. 
This should not keep you from giving the most complete 
address possible. 

After having edited the data to your satisfaction hit 
the "Check-In" button. The data you entered will be 
shown to you once more. Please check it again and 
if it is correct klick on "Submit". Otherwise you 
have the possibility to continue editing your data
by hitting "Edit your input again".

Hitting the "Submit" button generates a message 
containing your data and sends it to the ICM'98 system 
administrator and your email address (if we know it).

In order to avoid misuse by other persons we would like 
to make sure that this change of address is indeed 
approved by you, therefore please 

by sending the entire text of the email notification 
(e.g. by forwarding the message)

     TO:  icm98@zib.de
     SUBJECT: Confirm Your Change of Address (....)

Please note that data changes are integrated 
periodically into the Distribution List for the 
Proceedings. Your new data will not immediately appear 
in this list. In particular 


If your browser cannot handle the form or in case of 
other problems, please send an informal email with
your correct name and address
  TO: icm98@zib.de
  SUBJECT: Change of Address (....)

Please give your personal key number in (....), you 
will find it behind your name in the initial
list of names. 

APPENDIX 2 on WMY 2000 (by Mireille CHALEYAT-MAUREL):

WMY 2000 (World Mathematical Year 2000)
(supported by UNESCO)

On May, 6th, 1992, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), the International
Mathematical Union declared that the Year 2000 will be the World
Mathematical Year.
The Declaration of Rio sets three aims :
- The great challenges of 21st Century
- Mathematics, a key for Development
- The image of mathematics

PLANS FOR WMY 2000 (see the projects )
Many Mathematical Institutions are already involved but the event has
to be really international!
All plans in the spirit of the aims of WMY 2000 are welcome all
around the world.

   ASK your National Mathematical Society!

   JOIN the Committees for WMY 2000!

   DISTRIBUTE the Newsletter!

   DISPLAY the WMY 2000 poster!

   CONSULT the Web!
For all information and documents on WMY 2000 please contact:

Mireille CHALEYAT-MAUREL (e-mail mcm@ccr.jussieu.fr)
Gerard TRONEL (e-mail tronel@ann.jussieu.fr)

Institut Henri Poincare
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75005 Paris (France)

The six issues of the WMY 2000 Newsletter and information on 
WMY 2000 are on the Web at:





Mathematics Tomorrow
  V. Arnold, M. Atiyah, P. Lax and B. Mazur are coordinating the preparation
of a book of articles by prominent mathematicians on how they see the
prospects of mathematics in the coming century

Contact: Jacob Palis, jpalis@impa.br

Web page: http://elib.zib.de/imu/wmy


International Congress on the Teaching of Mathematics (ICME-9)
July 31 - August 7, 2000, Makuhari/Chiba (Japan)

Contact: Mogens Niss, MN@mmf.ruc.dk

ICMI WMY 2000 Committee

Contact: Miguel de Guzman, mdeguzman@bitmailer.net


Memory  of Mathematicians
  Creation of a public database containing for each mathematician a
description of the locations where original documents concerning him or her
are stored

Contact: Hélène Gispert, Helene.Gispert@ghdso.u-psud.fr


First World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society
  Organized under the auspices of the Association Française de Finance and of
the Societe Mathematique de France
June 28-July 1, 2000, Paris (France)

Contact: Hélyette Geman, geman@dauphine.fr


World Congress of the Bernoulli Society
May 15-20, 2000, Guanajato (Mexico)

Five Year 2000 Conferences
  Causality, Ecology and Environment, Financial Mathematics, Neural Networks
and Learning, Quantum Stochastics, Stochastic Geometry and Imaging

Special Volume of « Bernoulli »
  This volume will comprise a number of special invited papers that should
take stock of the developments in mathematical statistics and probability
in the XXth century and speculate about stochastics and its applications in
XXIst century

Contact: Ole Barndorff-Nielsen, atsoebn@mi.aau.dk


Third European Congress of Mathematics (3ECM)
July 10-14, 2000, Barcelona (Spain)

Contact:  Sebastia Xambó Descamps, sxd@grec.upc.es

Alhambra 2000 (in collaboration with CIMPA (Nice, France))
  European-Arab Congress of Mathematicians (with contributions from historians)

Mathematics posters in the subways of cities all over the world
  A gesture towards the general public in the form of small posters on the
trains, and larger ones in the stations, showing mathematical subjects of
general interest

Postage stamps
  Issue of stamps representing European mathematicians. Wherever possible,
concerted action between countries or on the European level.

Contact: Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen, V.L.Hansen@mat.dtu.dk


Latin American Congress of Mathematics
August 2000, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Contacts: Roberto Markarian, Mario Wschebor, umalca@fing.edu.uy


Third Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC2000)
October 23-27, 2000, Manila (Philippines)

Contact: Polly Wee Sy, pweesy@i-manila.com.ph



 ASICMI World Mathematical Year 2000 Australia Conference
January, 10-14, University of Melbourne (Australia)

Contact: Barry McCrae, b.mccrae@edfac.unimelb.edu.au


 Mathematics posters in the Brussels underground (with the EMS)
  Mathematics will be in the Bruxelles undergroud during two periods of two
weeks each.

Contact: Luc Lemaire, llemaire@ulb.ac.be


1. Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)

Joint meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) and the Canadian
Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS)
June 2000, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)

Mathematics posters in the Montreal subway
  With possible extension to public transportation in other Canadian cities.

Contact: Bernard Hodgson, bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca

2. Quebec

United Congress of all mathematical associations and groups of Quebec
Spring 2000

Mathematics Exhibition

Contact: Richard Pallascio, pallascio.richard@uqam.ca


Macao 2000:  Mathematics and  its Role in Civilization
  A joint portuguese-chinese initiative for a congress on a general subject
of the scientific and cultural role of the mathematical sciences in the
history of civilization and in the future development of humanity.
January, 11-14, 2000, Macau (China)

Contacts: José Francisco Rodrigues, rodrigue@lmc.fc.ul.pt,
          Li Ta-tsien, dqli@ms.fudan.edu.cn


Danish committee for WMY 2000
It consists of 10 persons from all parts of mathematicsteaching and
research from primary school to university level.

Visualization of mathematics in society

Mathematics education in the previous (and a guess: in the next century)

Internet-based information about mathematics



Contact: Tage Bai Andersen, bai@mi.aau.dk


Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium
August, 8-12,  2000, Helsinki (Finland)

Contact: Pekka Tukia, pekka.tukia@helsinki.fi

Studia Generalia lecture series
Autumn 2000; first lecture 1 October 2000, University of Helsinki (Finland)

Contact: Olli Martio, olli.martio@helsinki.fi

Innovations in Higher Education 2000
Helsinki August 30 - September 2, 2000.

Contact: sari.lindblom-ylanne@helsinki.fi

School Mathematics 2000
Seminar organised by the Finnish Association of Teachers of
Mathematics,Physics, Chemistry and Informatics (MAOL)
March 11-12,  2000, Helsinki

Contact: Petri Graeffe, petri.graeffe@maol.fi


1. French Committee for World Mathematical Year

Mathematics posters in the Paris underground (with the EMS)
  This project could involve the re-fitting of certain tube stations (Monge
and Laplace).

Contact: Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, mcm@ccr.jussieu.fr

Postage stamps
  A list of mathematicians has been submitted to the Post Office for an
issue, in the year 2000, of six stamps portraying French mathematicians.

Contact:Liliane Zweig, zweig@dmi.ens.fr

Mathematics and other fields of knowledge (with the Ecole Normale
Superieure and historians of mathematics)

Re-edition of books out of circulation
  In partnership with the CNL (Centre National du Livre) it is planned to
re-edit important mathematical works no longer available.

Contact: Martin Andler, andler@math.uvsq.fr

A book « An outlook by women mathematicians »
  An initiative of the Association « Femmes et Mathématiques »

Film : "Four women mathematicians at the far end of the world"
  An initiative of the Association « Femmes et Mathématiques »

Contact:  Julianne Unterberger, julia.unterberger@univ-reims.fr

2. Ecole Centrale de Lyon / Ville de Sainte Affrique

Conference « Emile Borel »
July 16-17, 1999, Sainte Affrique (France)
  The history of mathematics in France at the beginning of the XXth century.

Contact: P. Guiraldenq, charrier@cc.ec-lyon.fr

3. Societe française de Statistique

XXXIIeme Journees de Statistique
May, 19-24, 2000, Fes (Maroc)

Contacts:  Khalid Rifi, estfes@fesnet.net.ma,
           Jean-louis Soler,JeanLouis.soler@imag.fr

Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability
(MMR' 2000)
July, 4-7, 2000, Bordeaux (France)

Contact: Nikolaos Limnios, Nikolaos.Limnios @utc.fr


Mathematics and Expo 2000
Summer 2000, Hanover
  Various mathematical manifestations on the occasion of Hanover's
International Trade Fair

Contact: Klaus Hulek, hulek@math.uni-hannover.de


National Commission for the World Mathematical Year
  Among projects: popularizing mathematics, the role of mathematics in
development, mathematics education and research in the coming century,
publications and the documentation of the history of mathematics in the

Contact: S. Shahshahani, shahshah@ipm.ac.ir


Exhibition « Mathematics in contemporary art »
March-September 2000, Museo di arte contemporary del castello di Rivoli,
Rivoli, Torino (Italy)

  The proposition to have a commemorative stamp celebrating WMY 2000 was
already submitted to the Ministero delle Poste

RAI Programme « Mathematics in western civilization »
  RAI, the Radio-Television National State Broadcasting Company is
considering the proposition to produce a series of 3 programmes on «
Mathematics in western civilization »

« 1900-2000: One Century of Mathematics in Europe »
A two days workshop in the Bologna University (included in the Programme of
« Bologna, Capitale della Cultura »)

Contact: Alberto Conte, conte@dm.unito.it


The development of mathematics : 1950-2000
  A collective book retracing the development of mathematics during the
second half of the XXth century.

Contact: Jean-Paul Pier, pier@cu.lu


XXXIIème Journées de Statistique
May, 19-24, 2000, Fes (Maroc)

Contacts:  Khalid Rifi, estfes@fesnet.net.ma,
         Jean-louis Soler,JeanLouis.soler@imag.fr


Postage stamps
 Stamps portraying Dutch mathematicians are planned

Contact: Michiel.Hazewinkel@cwi.nl


Joint committee for World Mathematical Year 2000 and Abel Anniversary 2002

Contact: Jens Erik Fenstad, jfenstad@math.uio.no

Web page: http://www.math.ntnu.no/abel/

« Mathematics counts. 33 carriers »
  A book  ( in Norvegian ) to be distributed to highschool students.

Contact: Kari Hag, kari@math.ntnu.no

Conference: « Mathematics today »
February 3-5,2000, Trondheim ( Norway)

Contact: Helge Holden, holden@math.ntnu.no


Macao 2000:  Mathematics and  its Role in Civilization
  A joint portuguese-chinese initiative for a congress on a general subject
of the scientific and cultural role of the mathematical sciences in the
history of civilization and in the future development of humanity.
January, 11-14, 2000, Macau (China)

Contacts: José Francisco Rodrigues, rodrigue@lmc.fc.ul.pt,
          Li Ta-tsien, dqli@ms.fudan.edu.cn


Royal Academy of Sciences

Promotion of Mathematics in Society
60 mathematical lectures for the general public given by 15 distinguished
Spanish mathematicians in different cities of the country

Contact: Gregorio Millan, academia@bib.csic.es


Mathematics for the Millennium
Travelling exhibition and events throughout the UK.

Contact: Richard Mankiewicz, RMankiewicz@tutorcom.dircon.co.uk


Joint Mathematics Meetings (Joint meeting of the American  Mathematical
Society, Mathematical Association of America, and Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics)
 January, 19-22 , 2000, Washington, D.C.

Contact: Hope Daly, hhd@math.ams.org

Web page: http://www.ams.org/meetings/wmy2000.html

Special Meeting on the theme "Mathematical Challenges of the XXIst Century"
August 2000

Contact: Felix E. Browder, browder@math.rutgers.edu

Web page: http://www.ams.org/meetings/wmy2000.html