[ Kyoto Univ. | RIMS | Computer Science ] [Japanese]

Mt. Lambda

Mt. Lambda Image (47KB)
Mt. Lambda is located to the east of RIMS, Kyoto Univ.. The name is derived from the letter `Lambda' written on the centre of the mountain. On every August, a lot of bonfires are placed on the letter. Around functional programmers, it is believed that a god of lambda calculus lives there.

Important note

Some people insist that on sunny day, sometimes it looks like a letter `Great' in Japanese instead of `Lambda'. But they say that such days are very rare.

This picture is originally created as the symbol of our Functional Research Group.
(Photo by Jacques Garrigue, Degitized by Jun P. Furuse)

Maintained by the staff of CS research at RIMS.Email: cs at kurims dot kyoto-u dot ac dot jp.
Last modified on 21 Apr, 1996