An Open Lecture by Professor Barbara Keyfitz



The bias that women are not suited for mathematics may be becoming a thing of the past. However, the reality is that many Japanese women still hesitate to major in mathematics at university, let alone to be a professional mathematician. With the hope of increasing the number of Japanese women studying mathematics, RIMS invites Professor Barbara Keyfitz to give a lecture on the charm of mathematics. We cordially invite women who are thinking about going into mathematical or scientific research to come and listen to the lecture.


Title "Analysis and Me: How Differential Equations Made Me a Mathematician (With Help from Many People)"


Abstract This talk is a personal view of what I find exciting and satisfying about mathematics, and what it has meant for me to have a career as a mathematician. The future opened up for me when I was in my final year of college and one of my professors presented a method for using calculus to solve partial differential equations (PDE). PDE are used by scientists and engineers to describe the physical world. They are also important in understanding geometric, and more abstract, objects in mathematics. The study of PDE has motivated much of modern analysis (all the parts of mathematics that use calculus). I will explain some of these modern developments, and how they have been intertwined with my own development and career as a mathematician.


Date: Sunday, June 3, 2012, 15:00(approximately 1 hour plus Q&A)

Expected audiences: female students of high schools and colleges, High school teachers (male or female), Those who are interested in fostering female scientists.

Place: Kyoto University, RIMS Building 4F, Room 420 Admission is free. Registration is not required.


Transportation fee for the lecture will not be reimbursed.


For Professor Barbara Keyfitz's website, please visit here.

For access to RIMS, please visit here.

This lecture is co-sponsored by “Mathematical Society of Japan” and “Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University.”

講演会のポスターPoster of the lecture


Contact: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) Office, Kyoto University

Tel: 075-753-7216