Contents (Volume 38) (2002)

Authors, Title, Page
1. Jurgen HELLMICH, Reinhard HONEGGER, Claus KOSTLER, Burkhard KUMMERER, Alfred RIECKERS, Couplings to classical and non-classical squeezed white noise as stationary Markov processes 1
2. Yoshio FUJIMOTO, Endomorphisms of smooth projective 3-folds with non-negative Kodaira dimension 33
3. Elizabeth CROC, Viorel IFTIMIE, Scattering theory for a stratified acoustic strip with short- or long-range perturbations 93
4. Satoshi TSUJIMOTO, On a discrete analogue of the two-dimensional Toda lattice hierarchy 113
5. Nobuo NAKAZAWA, Seiichiro WAKABAYASHI, On hypoellipticity of the operator $exp[-|x_1|^{-\sigma}]D^{2}_{1} + x^{4}_{1}D^{2}_{2} +1$ 135
6. Rui OKAYASU, Cuntz-Krieger-Pimsner algebras associated with amalgamated free product groups 147
7. Mitsuteru KADOWAKI, Resolvent estimates and scattering states for dissipative systems 191
8. Takayuki KOBAYASHI, $L_2$ and $L_{\infty}$ estimates of the solutions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in a 3D exterior domain 211
9. Khalid KOUFANY, Contractions of angles in symmetric cones 227
10. Daisuke SAGAKI, Crystal bases, path models, and a twining character formula for Demazure modules 245
11. Haruhisa ISHIDA, Karen YAGDJIAN, On a sharp Levi condition in Gevrey classes for some infinitely degenerate hyperbolic equations and its necessity 265
12. Yoshiaki HASHIMOTO, Takaaki HOSHINO, Tadato MATSUZAWA, Non-isotropic Gevrey hypoellipticity for Grushin operators 289
13. Akihiro SHIMOMURA, Asymptotic distribution of negative eigenvalues for three dimensional Pauli operators with nonconstant magnetic fields 321
14. Koji FUJIWARA, Ken'ichi OHSHIKA, The second bounded cohomology of 3-manifolds 347
15. Takuya MINE, The uniqueness of the integrated density of states for the Schr\"odinger operators for the Robin boundary conditions 355
16. Kiyoshi MOCHIZUKI, Igor TROOSHIN, Inverse problem for interior spectral data of the Dirac operator on a finite interval 387
17. Yoshifumi ANDO, Invariants of fold-maps via stable homotopy groups 397
18. Noboru NAKAYAMA, Global structure of an elliptic fibration 451
19. Elena KAIKINA, Keiichi KATO, Pavel I. NAUMKIN, Takayoshi OGAWA, Wellposedness and analytic smoothing effect for the Benjamin-Ono equation 653
20. Masataka TOMARI, Multiplicity of filtered rings and simple K3 singularities of multiplicity two 693
21. Soon-Yeong CHUNG, Quasianalyticity of positive definite continuous functions 725
22. Bert-Wolfgang SCHULZE, Operators with symbol hierarchies and iterated asymptotics 735
23. Tatsuya AKASAKA, An integral PBW basis of the quantum affine algebra of type $A_2^(2)$ 803
24. Gerald HOFMANN, On inner characterizations of pseudo-Krein and pre-Krein spaces 895

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