Seminar on Complex Geometry and Mathematical Physics


日時: 2005年4月16日(土)13時30分から
場所: 数理解析研究所 202号室
講演者: 阿部 拓郎 氏(京大・理)
題目: Splitting problems of sheaves on projective spaces

Seminar on Complex Geometry, 2005

Speaker: Prof. David Bessis
Title: Topology of Complex Reflection Discriminants
Date: March 10th (Thu) 13:30 -, Room 402, RIMS
March 18th (Fri) 13:30 -
Place: RIMS (to be announced)

Date: March 5th (Sat.) 13:00 - 17:00 (2 talks),
       18:00 - (We will have dinner together with speakers)
Place: RIMS Seminar room 202
13:30 - 15:00
Speaker: Prof. David Bessis
Title: Topology of Complex Reflection Discriminants
15:00 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - 17:00
Speaker: Prof. Pierre Cartier
                 (CNRS/Jussieu and IHES , France)
Title: On the Dimensional Regularisation Method in
Quantum Field Theory and the Bernstein Polynomial

The method of dimensional renormalisation is widely used in Quantum Field Theory , especially because it is consistent with gauge invariance . In an effort to dispel the magics of a space-time with a nonintegral dimension , we propose a new viewpoiint , valid for both bosonic AND fermionic fields . We use a functional transformation , introduced around 1960 by Schwinger and then developed by Symanzik . The "bare" scattering amplitude is expressed as an integral over the Schwinger $alpha$ parameters , diverging when these parameters , of the nature of a squared-length , approach 0 . We remark that the space-time dimension D appears explicitly in one place only , as the exponent of a rational function in a certain integral . The analytic continuation with respect to D can be achieved by the method of Gelfand-Bernstein . The so-called b-polynomial , and the geometry of the singular locus control the substraction procedure necessary to regularize the divergent amplitudes . The method is perfectly general , but has to be carried explicitly in any model .

Speaker: Professor David Bessis (ENS/RIMS)
Title: Topology of Complex Reflection Discriminants
Room: RIMS 202
Date: February 26th (Sat) 10:30 - 12:00   Lecture

Speaker: Professor David Bessis (ENS/RIMS)
Title: Topology of Complex Reflection Discriminants
Date: February 12th (Sat), February 19th (Sat)
Room: RIMS 202
Schedule: 13:30 - 15:30   Lecture
15:30 - 16:00   Break
16:00 -             Discussion

Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
Atsushi Takahashi