The 7th workshop on
"Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences"


主催: Organizing Committee of FDEPS(FDEPS運営委員会)
共催: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS)
Kyoto University

講師: Prof. Geoffrey K. Vallis (Princeton Univ.)

題目: Geostrophic Turbulence and the General Circulation of the Ocean and Atmosphere.

日程概要: 11月8日(火)〜11月10日(木) 連続講義と自由討論
11月11日(金) 9:00 - 11:00 講演会
11/08(火)  9:00 - 12:00 講義 1
                   Two-dimensional turbulence.
                   Intro to inertial ranges, effect of beta,
                   formation of jets.

          14:00 - 17:00 講義 2
                   Geostrophic turbulence.
                   Analog to 2D turbulence,
                   baroclinic instability
                   and turbulence, scaling theories.

11/09(水)  9:00 - 12:00 講義 3
                   Eddies in the atmosphere and ocean.
                   Phenomenology of baroclinic eddies
                   in ocean and atmosphere,
                   transport properties of eddies.
                   transformed Eulerian Mean
                   and residual circulation.

           午後: < 自由討論・散策 >

11/10(木)  9:00 - 12:00 講義 4
                   The General Circulation without Eddies.
                   A summary of the circulation in
                   the atmosphere and ocean
                   without baroclinic instability.

          14:00 - 17:00 講義 5
                   Atmospheric Ferrel Cell and
                   the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
                   Role of large-scale turbulence
                   in these two systems.

11/11(金)  9:00 - 11:00 セミナー
                   The North Atlantic Oscillation and
                   Annular Modes in the Atmosphere
参加費: 1000 円
場所: 関西セミナーハウス (京都市左京区曼殊院のとなり)
アクセス: 公共交通機関の駅/停留所から徒歩20分ほど
宿泊施設: 関西セミナーハウスは京都市の東北, 修学院離宮のそばにあって市街地からやや離れているため, 宿泊施設も備えています.

Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences (FDEPS)


Last modified: October 7, 2005