短期共同  作用素環における自由積とその周辺
Free products in operator algebras and related topics
吉田 裕亮
Hiroaki Yoshida
目 次
1. Generalized Longo-Rehren subfactors (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)---------------------------------------1
    東京大学数理科学研究科   河東 泰之 (Kawahigashi,Yasuyuki)
2. ENTROPY FOR EXACT $C^*$-DYNAMICAL SYSTEM (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)----------------------------------3
    大阪教育大学   長田 まりゑ (Choda,Marie)
3. FINITE SUMS OF NILPOTENT ELEMENTS IN PROPERLY INFINITE $C^*$-ALGEBRAS (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)----21
    北海道大学理学研究科   片岡 靖博 (Kataoka,Nobuhiro)
4. RANKS AND EMBEDDINGS OF $C^*$-ALGEBRAS OF CONTINUOUS FIELDS (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)--------------26
    琉球大学理学部   須藤 隆洋 (Sudo,Takahiro)
5. Moduli Spaces of Noncommutative Tori (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)-------------------------------------37
    東京都立大学理学研究科   樋口 仁巳 (Higuchi,Hitoshi)
6. THE $x$-INVARIANTS OF CERTAIN AMALGAMATED FREE PRODUCTS (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)------------------40
    広島大学理学研究科   植田 好道 (Ueda,Yoshimichi)
7. Cuntz-Krieger-Pimsner Algebras Associated with Amalgamated Free Products Groups (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)---44
    京都大学理学研究科   岡安 類 (Okayasu,Rui)
8. On Free Relative Entropy (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)-------------------------------------------------52
    東北大学情報科学研究科/東北大学情報科学研究科   日合 文雄/水尾 勝 (Hiai,Fumio/Mizuo,Masaru)
9. Fibrations associated with *-homomorphisms of $C^*$-algebras (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)-------------66
    京都大学数理解析研究所   川村 勝紀 (Kawamura,Katsunori)
10. Index ratio sets for minimal equivalence relations-subrelations (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)---------74
    山形大学理学部数理科学科   佐野 隆志 (Sano,Takashi)