Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I ------------------------------------ ・Corrected a slight defect in a definition made toward the end of Example 5.1, (iv), by  moving the final portion of Example 5.1, (iv), to the final portion of Example 5.1, (v);  made a corresponding adjustment ("(iv)" ---> "(v)") to a reference to Example 5.1, (iv),  that appears in Example 5.4, (iv) ・Corrected a slight defect in the definition made toward the end of Remark 5.3.1, (i) ・Corrected some misprints in Proposition 6.5, (iv) (6 instances of a missing "dagger") ・Corrected a misprint at the end of \S I4 ("the this correspondence" ---> "this correspondence") ・Slightly reworded the final sentence of Definition 4.1, (v) ・Slightly reworded the phrasing of the sentence preceding Example 5.1 ・Added an explanatory sentence to the discussion preceding the second display of Remark 5.2.1, (ii) ・Slightly modified the explanations following the second and third displays of Definition 6.1, (v) ・Slightly modified the caption in Fig. 6.1 ・Corrected two instances of a misprint in the notation in the final two sentences of  Remark 6.12.6, (iii) ・Added Fig. 6.5 to the end of \S 6 (together with a reference to Fig. 6.5 at the end of  Definition 6.13, (ii)) Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory II ------------------------------------- ・Corrected a misprint (an unnecessary "infinity" symbol) in the final portion of Proposition  1.5, (iii) ・Added a supplementary reference concerning the second display of Definition 2.3, (i) ・In Definition 2.3, (iii), corrected a misprint ("subgroups" ---> "cuspidal inertia subgroups")  and added a supplementary explanatory remark concerning the notation ・Correct a slight misstatement following the second display of Proposition 2.2, (ii) ・Corrected similar missprints in the third display of Corollary 1.12 [and made corresponding  adjustments to the items (d), (f) following this display]; the first display of Corollary 2.6,  (i); the first display of Proposition 3.1, (i) Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory III -------------------------------------- ・Corrected a misprint in the second line of the first display of Theorem 2.2, (i) ・Added supplementary parentheses to the explanation preceding the second display of  Proposition 3.5, (ii), (c) ・Slightly modified the explanation surrounding the first display following Proposition 3.5,  (ii), (c) ・Slightly modified the wording ("are related" ---> "are possibly related", "roots of unity" --->  "roots of unity in the domains of the log-links", etc.) in Theorem A, (ii); Proposition 3.5,  (ii), (c); the discussion following Theorem 3.11, (ii), (c) ・Slightly modified the wording of the final portion of Proposition 3.5, (ii); Proposition 3.10, (ii) ・Added Remark 1.1.1 concerning iterates of log-links, together with various references to  Remark 1.1.1