Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I ------------------------------------ ・Slightly modified the final portion of the first sentence of \S I1 ・Added a new sentence to the beginning of the second paragraph of \S I1 ・Corrected misprints concerning indefinite articles preceding the letter "F" ("a F..." ---> "an F...", 7 instances) ・Updated the Acknowledgements ・Slightly modified the discussion of "Numbers" in \S 0 Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory II ------------------------------------- ・Corrected misprints concerning indefinite articles preceding the letter "F" ("a F..." ---> "an F...", 3 instances) ・Corrected misprints involving "(*)" in the final portion of Remark 1.11.4, (ii) (4 instances) ・Slightly modified the phraseology concerning "isomorphisms" in the discussions immediately preceding and at the  beginning of Corollary 2.9 Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory III -------------------------------------- ・Corrected misspellings of the word ``rigidity'' (i.e., ``ridigity'': 2 instances). ・Slightly modified the wording of the final portion of the statement of Theorem B and Corollary 3.12 ・Updated the Acknowledgements