・Slightly modified certain phrasing in the Introduction ("origin over appropriate" ---> "origin over suitable") ・Corrected a misprint ("Frobenioid" ---> "Frobenius") in the title of Theorem A ・Corrected a misprint in the Introduction ("conjugation synchronization via" ---> "conjugate synchronization via the") ・Corrected a misprint ("orginal" ---> "original", 3 instances) ・Slightly modified the wording of the display of Remark 1.10.2 ・Slightly modified the first sentence of Example 3.2, (i) ・In the statement of Proposition 3.4, (i), (ii), added a reference to Proposition 3.1, (ii) ・Corrected misprints ("a ind-topological" ---> "an ind-topological") in the statement of Proposition 3.4, (ii) (2 instances);  Corollary 3.7, (ii) (2 instances) ・Added/slightly modified references to Remark 1.1.1, (iv), and Proposition 1.3, (ii), (iii), in Corollaries 3.5, (i); 3.6, (i) ・In the statement of Corollary 3.5, (ii), slightly modified the first two references to Corollary 2.8 ("(ii)" ---> "(i), (ii)") ・In the statements of Corollaries 3.5, (ii); 3.6, (ii), slightly modified the wording surrounding the discussion of an  "inner automorphism" ・Corrected a misprint in the statement of Corollary 3.6, (ii) ("third and fourth" ---> "second and third") ・Slightly modified Fig. 3.1 ・Corrected a misprint ("fails" ---> "fail") in the statement of Corollary 3.7, (ii) ・Added a supplementary explanatory phrase ("the bottom line of") in Definition 3.8, (ii) ・Slightly modified the wording of the statement of Proposition 4.1, (i) ("[evident] natural splittings" ---> "[evident] natural  ...-actions and splittings") ・Added an explanatory phrase (concerning a "natural isomorphism") to Remark 4.2.1, (i) ・Corrected misprints involving the argument of "Gal(-)" (2 instances) in the second sentence of the statement of Proposition 4.3 ・Corrected misprints (2 instances) in the second line of the second display of the statement of Proposition 4.3, (iv) ・In the statement of Proposition 4.4, (ii), slightly modified the right-hand side of the second display, as well as the "[cf. ...]"  in the explanation immediately following this display ・In the statement of Corollary 4.5, (ii), slightly modified the wording ("as functorially" ---> "as an object functorially"; "4.1, (i)"  ---> "4.1, (i), (ii)"; "4.3, (i)" ---> "4.3, (i), (ii)") surrounding the fourth display ・Corrected an inappropriate omission in the discussion of Remark 4.5.1, (i), immediately preceding the phrase "value-profiles" ・In the statement of Corollary 4.6, (i), added a supplementary explanatory reference to Proposition 1.3, (ii), (iii) ・In the statement of Corollary 4.6, (ii), corrected a misprint in the notation immediately preceding the phrase "conjugacy indeterminacy" ・Corrected a misprint ("upper left-hand" ---> "left-hand") in the statement of Corollary 4.6, (iv) ・In Remark 4.6.1, added a supplementary explanatory phrase ("[i.e., ...]") concerning the "distinguished element") ・Introduced the notation "\pi_1^{\kappa-sol}" in Corollaries 4.7, (i) (5 instances), (ii) (6 instances), (iii) (1 instance); 4.8, (i)  (4 instances), (ii) (6 instances), (iii) (1 instance); ・In the statement of Corollary 4.7, (i), corrected slight inaccuracies in the right-hand portion of the fourth display and the explanation  immediately following this display ・Corrected misprints ("sub-[pseudo-]monoids" ---> "sub-pseudo-monoids", "diagonal pseudo-monoid" ---> "diagonal sub-pseudo-monoid") in  Corollaries 4.7, (ii); 4.8, (ii) ・In the statement of Corollaries 4.7, (iii); 4.8, (iii), repositioned the respective references to Remarks 4.7.1, 4.8.3 ・Slightly modified Remark 4.7.2, (b), as well as the second sentence following the display of Remark 4.7.2 ・In Remark 4.7.3, (ii), slightly modified the references to Corollary 4.10 ("4.10" ---> "4.10, (iv),"), slightly modified the phrasing ("is  that" ---> "lies in the fact that") in the first sentence, corrected a misprint (a missing "the" at the beginning of the display), and added  a supplementary explanatory phrase to the final sentence ・In Remark 4.7.3, (iii), slightly modified the phrasing of the third sentence ("parametrize the Gaussian monoid" ---> "parametrize the  components of the Gaussian monoid") ・Added a reference to Remark 4.7.3 to the final sentence of Remark 4.7.6 ・Slightly modified the phrasing ("conjugacy indeterminacies" ---> "a single conjugacy indeterminacy") at the beginning of the statement  of Corollary 4.8, (i) ・Slightly modified the phrasing ("Thus," ---> "Thus, the monoids") immediately following the third display of Definition 4.9, (iii) ・Corrected a misprint ("(i]" ---> "(i)]") in the second sentence of Definition 4.9, (iv) ・Corrected a misprint ("Frobenioid" ---> "Frobenius") in the title of Corollary 4.10 ・Corrected a misprint in the references at the beginning of the statement of Corollary 4.10, (iv) ・Slightly modified the final sentence of Remark 4.10.2, (i) ・Toward the end of Remark 4.11.4, (iii), (d), slightly modified the notation immediately following the phrase "occur at each label" ・Added a supplementary explanatory sentence concerning the relationship to Remark 4.11.5 immediately following Remark 4.11.4, (iii), (d)