
Enumerative Geometry on Moduli Spaces

Jan. 26 -- 30, 2004
Kyoto University

13:30 -- 14:30 H.Nakajima (Kyoto) Instanton counting, I
15:00 -- 16:30 L.G"ottsche (ICTP) Review of Donaldson invariants
10:00 -- 11:00 W.P.Li (HKUST) The cohomology ring of Hilbert schemes of points via Chern characters of the tautological sheaves, I
11:30 -- 12:30 J.Li (Stanford) Degeneration method in moduli problems, I
14:00 -- 15:00 K.Yoshioka (Kobe) Instanton counting, II
15:30 -- 16:30 K.Fukaya (Kyoto) Structure of Soutui Gromov Witten potential
1/28 (Wed)
10:00 -- 11:00 J.Zhou (Tsinghua) Localization, Hodge integrals, and Gromov-Witten invariants, I
11:30 -- 12:30 A.Okounkov (Princeton) Seiberg-Witten theory and random partitions
14:00 -- 15:00 S.Hosono (Tokyo) Counting BPS states via holomorphic anomaly equations
15:30 -- 16:30 M.Jinzenji (Hokkaido) Mirror Computations of Projective Hypersurfaces
1/29 (Thu)
10:00 -- 11:00 J.Li (Stanford) Degeneration method in moduli problems, II
11:30 -- 12:30 W.P.Li (HKUST) The cohomology ring of Hilbert schemes of points via Chern characters of the tautological sheaves, II
14:00 -- 15:00 Y.Konishi (RIMS) Asymptotic Form of Gopakumar-Vafa Invariants from Instanton Counting
15:30 -- 16:30 T.Kawai (RIMS) Gromov-Witten theory and brane counting
17:00 -- 18:00 A.Takahashi (RIMS) On BPS invariants
1/30 (Fri)
10:00 -- 11:00 A.Okounkov (Princeton) Gromov-Witten invariants of $3$-folds and random $3$-dimensional partitions
11:30 -- 12:30 J.Zhou (Tsinghua) Localization, Hodge integrals, and Gromov-Witten invariants, II
14:00 -- 15:00 H.Kanno (Nagoya) Blow up and matter in Nekrasov's formula
15:30 -- 16:30 M.Guest (TMU) On the differential equations of quantum cohomology
Contact H.Nakajima ( for any question.