作用素環論の最近の進展 (Recent Developments in Operator Algebras)

RIMS 420,  2020年9月07日(月) - 09日(水)
Past Records: 2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013 

Due to Covid-19, this meeting will take place online using Webinar by Zoom. Click the link below for registeration. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYucOmvqD4pE9yRKs_w0WnAAfOBfeK09t4e

Sept. 2020 Monday, 07 Tuesday, 08 Wednesday, 09
09:45 - 10:45 Welcome

11:00 - 12:00

Lounge: https://kyoto-u-edu.zoom.us/j/98452358482?pwd=aCtoQlVGeXZYRC9aQzh1VHJjYlBNUT09 
13:30 - 14:30

Program in pdf
14:45 - 15:45

16:00 - 17:00