日時 | 木曜日 11:00-12:00 (変更することがあります、要確認) |
場所 | コンピュータサイエンス室 |
参加は全く自由です。気軽にご参加ください。 発表希望の方は、 蓮尾(数理解析研究所) までご連絡ください。新作、旧作、未完成品、サーベイ、なんでもOKです。
Logic and Semantics Seminar is an informal forum for presenting and discussing topics about mathematical logic, programming languages, and semantics of computation. Open to anyone interested. Usually takes place on Thursday morning, at the Computer Science Laboratory (ask me for directions). If you are willing to contribute a talk, please contact Ichiro Hasuo.
# | Date | Speaker | Title |
1 | 10 April 2006 | Masahito Hasegawa | On polymorphic lambda calculus: a survey |
2 | 17 April 2006 | Shin-ya Katsumata | Algebraic fusion of functions with an accumulating parameter and its improvement |
3 | 24 April 2006 | Masahito Hasegawa | On the correspondence between the lambda calculus and programming languages: a survey |
4 | 15 May 2006 | Masahito Hasegawa | Recursion from cyclic sharing, revisited |
5 | 22 May 2006 | Kazuyuki Asada | Towards a theory of call-by-value programming languages with impredicative polymorphism |
6 | 5 June 2006 | Naohiko Hoshino | On linear parametricity |
7 | 12 June 2006 | Paul-Andre Mellies | Realizability in an operational framework, part 1 |
8 | 19 June 2006 | Paul-Andre Mellies | Realizability in an operational framework, part 2 |
9 | 26 June 2006 | Susumu Nishimura | Reasoning about data-parallel pointer programs in a modal extension of separation logic |
10 | 3 July 2006 | Shin-ya Katsumata | A semantic formulation of TT-lifting and logical predicates for computational metalanguage |
11 | 10 July 2006 | Paul-Andre Mellies | Realizability in an operational framework, part 3 |
12 | 7 August 2006 | Masahito Hasegawa | A terminating and confluent linear lambda calculus |
13 | 9 April 2007 | Naohiko Hoshino | Constructing term models for untyped linear lambda calculus (work in progress) |
14 | 16 April 2007 | Shin-ya Katsumata | TT-lifting and a definability result |
15 | 23 April 2007 | Shin-ya Katsumata | TT-lifting and algebraic operators |
16 | 7 May 2007 | Kazuyuki Asada | Towards call-by-value polymorphism |
17 | 28 May 2007 | Masato Tsuruta | Game semantics |
18 | 2 July 2007 | Naohiko Hoshino | {-o,!} vs {-o,!,I,⊗} |
19 | 9 July 2007 | Masahito Hasegawa | On traced monoidal closed categories |
20 | 30 July 2007 | Susumu Nishimura | Refinement calculus for programs that manipulate pointers |
21 | 20 August 2007 | Naohiko Hoshino | Linear realizability |
22 | 1 November 2007 | Kazuyuki Asada | Fibration enriched over monoidal fibration |
23 | 8 November 2007 | Shin-ya Katsumata | The essence of attribute grammars |
24 | 15 November 2007 | Susumu Nishimura | Safe transformation of pointer programs in refinement calculus |
25 | 29 November 2007 | Kenshi Miyabe | Randomness and Kolmogorov Complexity |
26 | 6 December 2007 | Naohiko Hoshino | {-o,!} vs {-o,!,I,⊗} (2) |
27 | 13 December 2007 | Ryu Hasegawa | Categorical reduction |
28 | 10 January 2008 | Shin-ya Katsumata | On logical relations on typed lambda calculi with sums |
29 | 17 January 2008 | Hiroto Tsuji | A term equivalence checking algorithm for the simply typed lambda-calculus with an empty type |
30 | 7 February 2008 | Jian-Qin Liu | On Informatics Aspect of Cellular Signaling Networks: Exploring New Structures and Operators for Theoretical Computer Science |
31 | 17 April 2008 | Shin-ya Katsumata | On existence of initial algebras |
32 | 15 May 2008 | Kazuyuki Asada | Extensional universal quantifier for CBV polymorphism |
33 | 22 May 2008 | Kazushige Terui | A coalition of fuzzy, substructural and linear logics |
34 | 26 June 2008 | Naohiko Hoshino | Equational theories for polymorphic lambda calculi |
35 | 17 July 2008 | Kenshi Miyabe | Partial random degree |
36 | 2 October 2008 | Craig Pastro | Frobenius algebras and Frobenius monoidal functors (work with Brian Day) |
37 | 7 October 2008 | 竹内 泉 | 山田論理の構文論的解析 |
38 | 30 October 2008 | Masahito Hasegawa | Geometry of Recursion, Geometry of Interaction |
39 | 6 November 2008 | Shin-ya Katsumata (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Attribute Grammars and Categorical Semantics |
40 | 13 November 2008 | Ariya Isihara (Vrije Univ. Amsterdam) | Tree ordinals and productivity |
41 | 20 November 2008 | Kazuyuki Asada (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Extensional Universal Types for Call-by-Value |
42 | 11 December 2008 | Craig Pastro (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Games with Sums and Products |
43 | 18 December 2008 | Ichiro Hasuo (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Introduction to Categorical Operational Semantics |
44 | 15 January 2009 | Paul-Andre Mellies (U. Paris 7 & RIMS, Kyoto U.) | On game semantics |
45 | 22 January 2009 | Paul-Andre Mellies (U. Paris 7 & RIMS, Kyoto U.) | On Lawvere theories and PRO's |
46 | 5 February 2009 | Paul-Andre Mellies (U. Paris 7 & RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Introduction to Distributors (Episode 1) |
44 | 12 February 2009 | Paul-Andre Mellies (U. Paris 7 & RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Introduction to Distributors (Episode 2) |
45 | 19 February 2009 | Paul-Andre Mellies (U. Paris 7 & RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Introduction to Distributors (Episode 3) |
46 | 5 March 2009 | Craig Pastro (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Tambara profunctors and the centre of functor categories |
47 | 23 April 2009 | Naohiko Hoshino, Kazuyuki Asada and Kenshi Miyabe (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Brief reports on their AY 2008 research |
48 | 30 April 2009 | Naohiko Hoshino (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Semibiproducts and Int construction |
49 | 7 May 2009 | Kazushige Terui (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | Expanding the realm of systematic proof theory |
50 | 14 May 2009 | Alois Brunel (ENS Lyon) | TBA |
51 | 21 May 2009 | Taichi Haruna (Kobe U. & JST Sakigake) | システム生物学研究におけるカテゴリー論の使い方 |
52 | 28 May 2009 | Michele Basaldella (RIMS, Kyoto U.) | TBA |