[ Kyoto Univ. |
Computer Science ]
Professor Reiji Nakajima passed away
on 18th January 2008, at the age of 60.
If you are interested in the work of our researchers please consult
their own pages or ask them directly by E-mail.
Also here is a list of our recent
- Academic Staff
M. Hasegawa (Professor)
- Ph.D. (Univ. of Edinburgh)
- Theory of programming languages, semantics of computation,
category theoretic models
I. Hasuo (Assistant Professor)
- Ph.D. (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Coalgebraic models, concurrency, security
S. Katsumata (Assistant Professor)
- Ph.D. (Univ. of Edinburgh)
- Logical and mathematical models of programs
K. Terui (Associate Professor)
- Ph.D. (Keio University)
- Logic (esp. linear logic), type theory, computational complexity
- Our graduate programs are organized in collaboration with
Prof. Susumu
Nishimura in Department of Mathematics.
- Doctorate Candidates
- K. Asada
N. Hoshino
A. Ishihara (on leave,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- K. Miyabe
- Master Students
- R. Mikhov
- M. Tsuruta
- Links to Former Members
M. Blume (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
J. P. Furuse (Tokyo University)
J. Garrigue (Nagoya University)
M. Hashimoto (CARC, AIST)
Y. Hayashi (Knowledge Flow, Inc.)
H. Hosoya (Tokyo University)
K. Kagawa (Kagawa University)
Y. Kakutani (Tokyo University)
P.-A. Mellies (Universite Paris VII)
Y. Minamide (Tsukuba University)
K. Nakano (University of Electro-Communications)
K. Nakata (INRIA)
S. Nishimura (Dept. Mathematics, Kyoto University)
A. Ohori (Tohoku University)
A. Simpson (University of Edinburgh)
K. Tajima (Dept. Social Informatics, Kyoto University)
M. Tanabe (Ube National College of Technology)
I. Ulidowski (University of Leicester)
Maintained by the staff of CS research at RIMS.
Last modified on May 2008