題目: |
"Analysis and Me: How Differential Equations Made Me a Mathematician (With Help from Many People)"
要旨: |
This talk is a personal view of what I find exciting and
satisfying about mathematics, and what it has meant for me to have a career
as a mathematician.
The future opened up for me when I was in my final year of college and one
of my professors presented a method for using calculus to solve partial
differential equations (PDE). PDE are used by scientists and engineers to
describe the physical world. They are also important in understanding
geometric, and more abstract, objects in mathematics. The study of PDE has
motivated much of modern analysis (all the parts of mathematics that use
calculus). I will explain some of these modern developments, and how they
have been intertwined with my own development and career as a mathematician.
日時: | 平成24年6月3日(日)15:00より1時間程度。その後質疑応答 |
場所: | 京都大学数理解析研究所 4階大講義室420 |
主な対象: | 数学に魅力を感じている女性、高校の先生(男女問わず)、 高校生や大学生も歓迎 |
| 講演会のポスター |
お問合せ先: | 京都大学数理解析研究所 研究部事務室 |
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Tel: 075-753-7216 |
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