Author Index to Volumes 31-40 (1995-2004)


Aoki, H. : Automorphic forms on the expanded symmetric domain of type IV. 35, 263 (1999)
Accardi, L., Frigerio, A., Lu, Y. G. : The quantum weak coupling limit. II. Langevin equation and finite temperature case. 31, 545 (1995)
Adachi, Y. : On the relation between tautly imbedded space modulo an analytic subset S and hyperbolically imbedded space modulo S. 33, 385 (1997)
Agarwal, R. P., O'Regan, D. : Coincidence points for perturbations of linear Fredholm maps of index zero. 35, 725 (1999)
Aida, S. : On a certain semiclassical problem on Wiener spaces. 39, 365 (2003)
Aimar, M.-T., Intissar, A., Paoli, J.-M. : Critères de complétude des vecteurs propres généralisés d'une classe d'opérateurs non auto-adjoints compacts ou à résolvante compacte et applications. 32, 191 (1996)
Akasaka, T. : An integral PBW basis of the quantum affine algebra of type A_2^(2). 38, 803 (2002)
Akasaka, T., Kashiwara, M. : Finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras. 33, 839 (1997)
Alexeev, V. : Compactified Jacobians and Torelli map. 40, 1241 (2004)
Ando, Y. : Invariants of fold-maps via stable homotopy groups. 38, 397 (2002)
Arai, M., Uchiyama, J. : Growth order of eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators with potentials admitting some integral conditions. I. General theory. 32, 581 (1996)
Arai, M., Uchiyama, J. : Growth order of eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators with potentials admitting some integral conditions. II. Applications. 32, 617 (1996)
Araki, H., Sinha, K. B., Sunder, V. S. : On boundedness and \| \cdot \| _p continuity of second quantisation. 31, 941 (1995)
Aron, R. M., García, D., Maestre, M. : On norm attaining polynomials. 39, 165 (2003)
Aso, H. : Conjugacy of Z^2-subshifts and textile systems. 36, 1 (2000)


Böckenhauer, J., Evans, D. E., Kawahigashi, Y. : Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from \alpha-induction. 37, 1 (2001)
Bagarello, F. : Fixed points in topological *-algebras of unbounded operators. 37, 397 (2001)
Bagarello, F., Trapani, C. : Morphisms of certain Banach C^*-modules. 36, 681 (2000)
Bagarello, F., Trapani, C. : CQ^*-algebras: structure properties. 32, 85 (1996)
Baggett, L., Carey, A., Moran, W., Ohring, P. : General existence theorems for orthonormal wavelets, an abstract approach. 31, 95 (1995)
Baker, T. H. : Zero actions and energy functions for perfect crystals. 36, 533 (2000)
Baracco, L., Zampieri, G. : Analytic discs attached to manifolds with boundary. 33, 687 (1997)
Barlet, D. : Multiple poles at negative integers for \int_Af^\lambda \Box in the case of an almost isolated singularity. 35, 571 (1999)
Bhattacharyya, T. : On tuples of commuting compact operators. 32, 785 (1996)
Biane, P. : Representations of unitary groups and free convolution. 31, 63 (1995)
Biosca, H., Briancon, J., Maisonobe, P., Maynadier, H. : Espaces conormaux relatifs. II. Modules différentiels. 34, 123 (1998)
Bist, V., Vasudeva, H. L. : Second order perturbation bounds. 33, 59 (1997)
Boman, J. : Microlocal quasianalyticity for distributions and ultradistributions. 31, 1079 (1995)
Boyd, C., Dineen, S., Venkova, M. : Q-reflexive locally convex spaces. 40, 7 (2004)
Briancon, J. see Biosca, H., et al. : 34, 123 (1998)


Caraballo, T. see Liu, K. : 37, 239 (2001)
Carey, A. see Baggett, L., et al. : 31, 95 (1995)
Carey, A. L. see Mccann, P. J. : 32, 117 (1996)
Chacón, G., Montesinos, V., Octavio, A. : A note on the intersection of Banach subspaces. 40, 1 (2004)
Chari, V. : Minimal affinizations of representations of quantum groups: the rank 2 case. 31, 873 (1995)
Chen, H., Tahara, H. : On totally characteristic type non-linear partial differential equations in the complex domain. 35, 621 (1999)
Cheng, S.-J., Wang, W. : Lie subalgebras of differential operators on the super circle. 39, 545 (2003)
Chihara, H. : Global existence of small solutions to semilinear Schrödinger equations with gauge invariance. 31, 731 (1995)
Chihara, H. : The initial value problem for cubic semilinear Schrödinger equations. 32, 445 (1996)
Chin, A. : The cohomology rings of some p-groups. 31, 1031 (1995)
Choda, M. : Reduced free products of completely positive maps and entropy for free product of automorphisms. 32, 371 (1996)
Chung, S. -Y. : Quasianalyticity of positive definite continuous functions. 38, 725 (2002)
Chung, S.-Y., Kim, D. : Distributions with exponential growth and Bochner-Schwartz theorem for Fourier hyperfunctions. 31, 829 (1995)
Chung, S.-Y., Yeom, Y. : An integral transformation and its applications to harmonic analysis on the space of solutions of heat equation. 35, 737 (1999)
Cline, E., Parshall, B., Scott, L. : Generic and q-rational representation theory. 35, 31 (1999)
Colin, V. : Specialization of formal cohomology and asymptotic expansions. 37, 37 (2001)
Constantinescu, T., Gheondea, A. : Representations of Hermitian kernels by means of Krein spaces. 33, 917 (1997)
Croc, E., Iftimie, V. : Scattering theory for a stratified acoustic strip with short- or long-range perturbations. 38, 93 (2002)


D'Agnolo, A., Marastoni, C. : Real forms of the Radon-Penrose transform. 36, 337 (2000)
D'Agnolo, A., Schapira, P. : On twisted microdifferential modules I. Non-existence of twisted wave equations. 40, 1093 (2004)
Dajani, K., Dooley, A. : The mean ratio set for ax+b valued cocycles. 32, 671 (1996)
Dalmasso, R. : An inverse problem for an elliptic equation. 40, 91 (2004)
Danilenko, A. I. : The topological structure of Polish groups and groupoids of measure space transformations. 31, 913 (1995)
De Blasi, F. S., Georgiev, P. G. : Hukuhara's topological degree for non compact valued multifunctions. 39, 183 (2003)
De Carli, L., Okaji, T. : Strong unique continuation property for the Dirac equation. 35, 825 (1999)
Denker, M., Sato, H. : Sierpiński gasket as a Martin boundary. II. The intrinsic metric. 35, 769 (1999)
Dermenjian, Y., Iftimie, V. : Méthodes à N corps pour un problème de milieux pluristratifiés perturbés. 35, 679 (1999)
Dijkhuizen, M. S., Stokman, J. V. : Some limit transitions between BC type orthogonal polynomials interpreted on quantum complex Grassmannians. 35, 451 (1999)
Dineen, S. see Boyd, C. et al. : 40, 7 (2004)
Ding, J., Feigin, B. : Quantum current operators. II. Difference equations of quantum current operators and quantum parafermion construction. 33, 285 (1997)
Ding, J., Miwa, T. : Quantum current operators. I. Zeros and poles of quantum current operators and the condition of quantum integrability. 33, 277 (1997)
Donati-Martin, C., Doumerc, Y., Matsumoto, H., Yor, M. : Some properties of the Wishart processes and a matrix extension of the Hartman-Watson laws. 40, 1385 (2004)
Donati-Martin, C., Matsumoto, H., Yor, M. : Some absolute continuity relationships for certain anticipative transformations of geometric Brownian motions. 37, 295 (2001)
Dooley, A. see Dajani, K. : 32, 671 (1996)
Doumerc, Y. see Donati-Martin, C. et al. : 40, 1385 (2004)
Dubin, D. A. see Hennings, M. A., et al. : 34, 325 (1998)
Dubin, D. A., Hennings, M. A., Smith, T. B. : Existence theorems for ordered variants of Weyl quantization. 35, 1 (1999)
Duchamp, G., Krob, D., Lascoux, A., Leclerc, B., Scharf, T., Thibon, J.-Y. : Euler-Poincaré characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras. 31, 179 (1995)
Dwyer, W. G., Wilkerson Jr., C. W. : Cartan involutions and normalizers of maximal tori. 40, 295 (2004)


Ebeling, W. : The Poincaré series of some special quasihomogeneous surface singularities. 39, 393 (2003)
Émery, M., Yor, M. : A parallel between Brownian bridges and gamma bridges. 40, 669 (2004)
Evans, D. E. see Böckenhauer, J., et al. : 37, 1 (2001)
Ezhov, V. V., Isaev, A. V. : Canonical isomorphism of two Lie algebras arising in CR-geometry. 35, 249 (1999)


Fabricius, K., McCoy, B. M. : Functional equations and fusion matrices for the eight vertex model. 40, 905 (2004)
Faddeev, L., Volkov, A. Y. : Shift operator for nonabelian lattice current algebra. 40, 1113 (2004)
Feigin, B. see Ding, J. : 33, 285 (1997)
Feigin, B., Feigin, E. : Schubert varieties and the fusion products. 40, 625 (2004)
Feigin, B., Jimbo, M., Miwa, T., Mukhin, E., Takeyama, Y. : Fermionic formulas for (k,3)-admissible configurations. 40, 125 (2004)
Feigin, B., Jimbo, M., Miwa, T., Mukhin, E., Takeyama, Y. : Particle content of the (k,3)-configurations. 40, 163 (2004)
Feigin, E. see Feigin, B. : 40, 625 (2004)
Fernandes, T. : Monteiro Propagation of the irregularity of a microdifferential system. 37, 119 (2001)
Finkelberg, M., Gaitsgory, D., Kuznetsov, A. : Uhlenbeck spaces for \mathbbA^2 and affine Lie algebra \widehat\mathfrak{sl}_n. 39, 721 (2003)
Frigerio, A. see Accardi, L., et al. : 31, 545 (1995)
Frønsdal, C. : Generalization and exact deformations of quantum groups. 33, 91 (1997)
Frot, J.-L. : Correspondance d'Andreotti-Norguet et \cal D-modules. 35, 637 (1999)
Fujii, A., Ohta, M. : Asymptotic behavior of blowup solutions of a parabolic equation with the p-Laplacian. 32, 503 (1996)
Fujimoto, Y. : Endomorphisms of smooth projective 3-folds with non-negative Kodaira dimension. 38, 33 (2002)
Fujimoto, Y. : Decomposition problem on endomorphisms of projective varieties. 40, 429 (2004)
Fujino, O. : Termination of 4-fold canonical flips. 40, 231 (2004)
Fujiwara, K., Ohshika, K. : The second bounded cohomology of 3-manifolds. 38, 347 (2002)
Fukui, K. : Commutators of foliation preserving homeomorphisms for certain compact foliations. 34, 65 (1998)
Fukui, K., Mori, A. : Codimension two compact Hausdorff foliations by hyperbolic surfaces are not stable. 36, 321 (2000)
Furusho, H. : The multiple zeta value algebra and the stable derivation algebra. 39, 695 (2003)


Gaitsgory, D. see Finkelberg, M. et al. : 39, 721 (2003)
García, D. see Aron, R. M., et al. : 39, 165 (2003)
Gefter, S. L. : Outer automorphism group of the ergodic equivalence relation generated by translations of dense subgroup of compact group on its homogeneous space. 32, 517 (1996)
Georgiev, P. G. see De Blasi, F. S. : 39, 183 (2003)
Getzler, E. : The equivariant Toda lattice. 40, 507 (2004)
Gheondea, A. see Constantinescu, T. : 33, 917 (1997)
Goodearl, K. R., Lenagan, T. H., Rigal, L. : The first fundamental theorem of coinvariant theory for the quantum general linear group. 36, 269 (2000)
Gordoa, P. R., Joshi, N., Pickering, A. : On a generalized 2+1 dispersive water wave hierarchy. 37, 327 (2001)
Gordoa, P. R., Joshi, N., Pickering, A. : A new technique in nonlinear singularity analysis. 39, 435 (2003)
Goto, S. : Symmetric flat connections, triviality of Loi's invariant and orbifold subfactors. 31, 609 (1995)
Gramchev, T., Yoshino, M. : WKB analysis to global solvability and hypo-ellipticity. 31, 443 (1995)
Guruprasad, K. : Some remarks on the symplectic pairing on the moduli space of representations of the fundamental group of surfaces. 34, 19 (1998)
Gyoja, A. : Theory of prehomogeneous vector spaces. II. A supplement. 33, 33 (1997)


Ha, K.-C. : Atomic positive linear maps in matrix algebras. 34, 591 (1998)
Habiro, K. : Cyclotomic completions of polynomial rings. 40, 1127 (2004)
Hamada, H. : Problème de Cauchy analytique I. 39, 601 (2003)
Hansen, F. : Operator convex functions of several variables. 33, 443 (1997)
Hansen, F. : A correction to: Operator convex functions of several variables. 33, 711 (1997)
Hansen, F., Pedersen, G. K. : Perturbation formulas for traces on C^*-algebras. 31, 169 (1995)
Hara, Y. : Circle actions and higher elliptic genera. 31, 599 (1995)
Hasegawa, M. : The uniformity principle on traced monoidal categories. 40, 991 (2004)
Hashimoto, Y., Hoshino, T., Matsuzawa, T. : Non-isotropic Gevrey hypo-ellipticity for Grushin operators. 38, 289 (2002)
Hauser, H., Risler, J.-J. : Dérivations et idéaux réels invariants. 35, 585 (1999)
Hayakawa, T. : Blowing ups of 3-dimensional terminal singularities. 35, 515 (1999)
Hayakawa, T. : Blowing ups of 3-dimensional terminal singularities. II. 36, 423 (2000)
Hayashi, N., Naumkin, P. I., Uchida, H. : Large time behavior of solutions for derivative cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equations. 35, 501 (1999)
Hayashi, T. : Compact quantum groups of face type. 32, 351 (1996)
Hayashi, T. : Harmonic function spaces of probability measures on fusion algebras. 36, 231 (2000)
Hazama, F. : On the general Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties of CM-type. 39, 625 (2003)
Heinrichs, W.-D. : Topological tensor products of unbounded operator algebras on Fréchet domains. 33, 241 (1997)
Hellmich, J., Honegger, R., Köstler, C., Kümmerer, B., Rieckers, A. : Couplings to classical and non-classical squeezed white noise as stationary Markov processes. 38, 1 (2002)
Helminck, G. F., van de Leur, J. W. : Geometric Bäcklund-Darboux transformations for the KP hierarchy. 37, 479 (2001)
Helmke, S., Slodowy, P. : On unstable principal bundles over elliptic curves. 37, 349 (2001)
Hénaut, A. : Systèmes différentiels, nombre de Castelnuovo et rang des tissus de C^n. 31, 703 (1995)
Hennings, M. A. see Dubin, D. A., et al. : 35, 1 (1999)
Hennings, M. A., Dubin, D. A., Smith, T. B. : Dequantization techniques for Weyl quantization. 34, 325 (1998)
Heo, J. : Hilbert C^*-module representation on Haagerup tensor products and group systems. 35, 757 (1999)
Hibino, M. : Divergence property of formal solutions for singular first order partial differential equations. 35, 893 (1999)
Hibino, M. : Gevrey asymptotic theory for singular first order linear partial differential equations of nilpotent type. II. 37, 579 (2001)
Hinokuma, T., Shiga, H. : Topology of the configuration space of polygons as a codimension one submanifold of a torus. 34, 313 (1998)
Hirosawa, F. : Energy decay for a degenerate hyperbolic equation with a dissipative term. 35, 391 (1999)
Hofmann, G. : On algebraic \sharp-cones in topological tensor algebras. II. Closed hulls and extremal rays. 32, 729 (1996)
Hofmann, G. : On inner characterizations of pseudo-Krein and pre-Krein spaces. 38, 895 (2002)
Honegger, R. see Hellmich, J., et al. : 38, 1 (2002)
Honegger, R., Rieckers, A. : Squeezing of optical states on the CCR-algebra. 33, 869 (1997)
Hora, A. : The cut-off phenomenon for random walks on Hamming graphs with variable growth conditions. 33, 695 (1997)
Hörmann, G., Jäkel, C. D. : Galilei invariant molecular dynamics. 31, 805 (1995)
Hoshino, T. see Hashimoto, Y., et al. : 38, 289 (2002)
Humberstone, L. : Classes of valuations closed under operations Galois-dual to Boolean sentence connectives. 32, 9 (1996)


Ichinobe, K. : The Borel sum of divergent Barnes hypergeometric series and its application to a partial differential equation. 37, 91 (2001)
Ichinobe, K. : Integral representation for Borel sum of divergent solution to a certain non-Kowalevski type equation. 39, 657 (2003)
Iftimie, V. see Dermenjian, Y. : 35, 679 (1999)
Iftimie, V. see Croc, E. : 38, 93 (2002)
Igari, K. : Propagation of singularities in the ramified Cauchy problem for a class of operators with non-involutive multiple characteristics. 35, 285 (1999)
Iguchi, T. : On the irrotational flow of incompressible ideal fluid in a circular domain with free surface. 34, 525 (1998)
Iida, M. : Spherical functions of the principal series representations of Sp(2,R) as hypergeometric functions of C_2-type. 32, 689 (1996)
Imanuvilov, O. Y., Yamamoto, M. : Carleman inequalities for parabolic equations in Sobolev spaces of negative order and exact controllability for semilinear parabolic equations. 39, 227 (2003)
Intissar, A. see Aimar, M.-T., et al. : 32, 191 (1996)
Isaev, A. V. see Ezhov, V. V. : 35, 249 (1999)
Ishida, H., Yagdjian, K. : On a sharp Levi condition in Gevrey classes for some infinitely degenerate hyperbolic equations and its necessity. 38, 265 (2002)
Ishiguro, K. : Pairings of p-compact groups and H-structures on the classifying spaces of finite loop spaces. 34, 567 (1998)
Ito, H. T. : High-energy behavior of the scattering amplitude for a Dirac operator. 31, 1107 (1995)
Ito, H. T. : An inverse scattering problem for Dirac equations with time-dependent electromagnetic potentials. 34, 355 (1998)
Ito, H. T., Tamura, H. : Scattering by magnetic fields at large separation. 37, 531 (2001)
Itoh, T., Nagisa, M. : Schur products and module maps on B(\cal H). 36, 253 (2000)


Jäkel, C. D. see Hörmann, G. : 31, 805 (1995)
James, I. M. : Fibrewise compactly-generated spaces. 31, 45 (1995)
Jefferies, B. : The Feynman representation for the Dirac propagator with a radially symmetric potential. 32, 323 (1996)
Jimbo, M. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 125 (2004)
Jimbo, M. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 163 (2004)
Joshi, N. see Gordoa, P. R., et al. : 37, 327 (2001)
Joshi, N. see Gordoa, P. R., et al. : 39, 435 (2003)
Joshi, N. : The second Painlevé hierarchy and the stationary KdV hierarchy. 40, 1039 (2004)


Kadowaki, M. : Resolvent estimates and scattering states for dissipative systems. 38, 191 (2002)
Kaikina, E., Kato, K., Naumkin, P. I., Ogawa, T. : Wellposedness and analytic smoothing effect for the Benjamin-Ono equation. 38, 651 (2002)
Kalf, H., Yamada, O. : Note on the paper: Strong unique continuation property for the Dirac equation. 35, 825 (1999)
Kang, S.-J., Kim, J.-A., Shin, D.-U. : Crystal bases for quantum classical algebras and Nakajima's monomials. 40, 757 (2004)
Kapovich, M., Millson, J. J. : Hodge theory and the art of paper folding. 33, 1 (1997)
Kashiwara, M. : Quantization of contact manifolds. 32, 1 (1996)
Kashiwara, M. see Akasaka, T. : 33, 839 (1997)
Kashiwara, M. : Invariant sheaves. 36, 491 (2000)
Kassel, C., Wambst, M. : Algèbre homologique des N-complexes et homologie de Hochschild aux racines de l'unité. 34, 91 (1998)
Katayama, S. : Global existence for systems of nonlinear wave equations in two space dimensions. II. 31, 645 (1995)
Kato, K. see Kaikina, E., et al. : 38, 651 (2002)
Kawahigashi, Y. : Classification of paragroup actions in subfactors. 31, 481 (1995)
Kawahigashi, Y. see Böckenhauer, J., et al. : 37, 1 (2001)
Kawai, T. : String and vortex. 40, 1063 (2004)
Kawamuro, K. : A Rohlin property for one-parameter automorphism groups of the hyperfinite II_1 factor. 36, 641 (2000)
Kawazumi, N., Shibukawa, Y. : The meromorphic solutions of the Bruschi-Calogero equation. 36, 85 (2000)
Kim, D. see Chung, S. Y. : 31, 829 (1995)
Kim, J.-A. see Kang, S. J., et al. : 40, 757 (2004)
Kinoshita, T. : Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for the hyperbolic equations of third order with coefficients depending only on time. 34, 249 (1998)
Kirillov, A. N. : An invitation to the generalized saturation conjecture. 40, 1147 (2004)
Kobayashi, K. : A remark on the fast Gauss Transform. 39, 785 (2003)
Kobayashi, T. : Singular solutions and prolongation of holomorphic solutions to nonlinear differential equations. 34, 43 (1998)
Kobayashi, T. : L_2 and L_\infty estimates of the solutions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in a 3D exterior domain. 38, 211 (2002)
Koelink, E., Stokman, J. V. : Fourier transforms on the quantum SU(1,1) group. 37, 621 (2001)
Kohatsu-Higa, A. see Ogawa, S. : 40, 487 (2004)
Koike, T. : On the exact WKB analysis of second order linear ordinary differential equations with simple poles. 36, 297 (2000)
Kollár, J. : Specialization of zero cycles. 40, 689 (2004)
Komiya, K. : Equivariant K-theory and maps between representation spheres. 31, 725 (1995)
Komiya, K. : Equivariant maps between representation spheres of a torus. 34, 271 (1998)
Komori, Y. : Semialgebraic description of Teichmüller space. 33, 527 (1997)
Kondratiev, Y., Lytvynov, E., Röckner, M. : The heat semigroup on configuration spaces. 39, 1 (2003)
Koseki, H., Oda, T. : Whittaker functions for the large discrete series representations of SU(2,1) and related zeta integrals. 31, 959 (1995)
Köstler, C. see Hellmich, J., et al. : 38, 1 (2002)
Koufany, K. : Contractions of angles in symmetric cones. 38, 227 (2002)
Krötz, B. : The Plancherel theorem for biinvariant Hilbert spaces. 35, 91 (1999)
Krob, D. see Duchamp, G., et al. : 31, 179 (1995)
Kubo, A. : Global existence in time and decay property of solutions of boundary value problems for semilinear hyperbolic equations of second order in the interior domain. 34, 75 (1998)
Kubo, A. : On the spherically symmetric solution to the mixed problem for a weakly hyperbolic equation of second order. 35, 853 (1999)
Kumagai, T. : Short time asymptotic behaviour and large deviation for Brownian motion on some affine nested fractals. 33, 223 (1997)
Kumagai, T. : Heat kernel estimates and parabolic Harnack inequalities on graphs and resistance forms. 40, 793 (2004)
Kümmerer, B. see Hellmich, J., et al. : 38, 1 (2002)
Kurose, H., Nakazato, H. : Geometric construction of *-representations of the Weyl algebra with degree 2. 32, 555 (1996)
Kusuda, M. : Norm additivity conditions for normal linear functionals on von Neumann algebras. 31, 721 (1995)
Kuznetsov, A. see Finkelberg, M., et al. : 39, 721 (2003)


Lachowicz, M. : On the hydrodynamic limit of the Enskog equation. 34, 191 (1998)
Lakshmibai, V., Magyar, P. : Standard monomial theory for Bott-Samelson varieties of GL(n). 34, 229 (1998)
Lascoux, A. see Duchamp, G., et al. : 31, 179 (1995)
Leclerc, B. see Duchamp, G., et al. : 31, 179 (1995)
Lenagan, T. H. see Goodearl, K. R., et al. : 36, 269 (2000)
van de Leur, J. W. see Helminck, G. F. : 37, 479 (2001)
Li, Y.-C., Shaw, S.-Y. : Infinite differentiability of Hermitian and positive C-semigroups and C-cosine functions. 34, 579 (1998)
Li, Y.-C., Shaw, S.-Y. : Hermitian and positive C-semigroups on Banach spaces. 31, 625 (1995)
Liess, O., Okada, Y., Tose, N. : Hartogs' phenomena for microfunctions with holomorphic parameters. 37, 221 (2001)
Lin, C.-S. : The Furuta inequality and an operator equation for linear operators. 35, 309 (1999)
Lin, C.-S. : Bounds of operator functions and Furuta inequalities. 36, 483 (2000)
Liu, K., Caraballo, T. : Asymptotic exponential stability for diffusion processes driven by stochastic differential equations in duals of nuclear spaces. 37, 239 (2001)
Llavona, J. G., Moraes, L. A. : The Aron Berner extension for polynomials defined in the dual of a Banach space. 40, 221 (2004)
Loi, P. H. : Commuting squares and the classification of finite depth inclusions of AFD type III_\lambda factors, \lambda \in (0,1). 34, 115 (1998)
Lourenço, M. L., Moraes, L. A. : A class of polynomials from Banach spaces into Banach algebras. 37, 521 (2001)
Lu, Y. G. see Accardi, L., et al. : 31, 545 (1995)
Lytvynov, E. see Kondratiev, Y., et al. : 39, 1 (2003)


Maestre, M. see Aron, R. M., et al. : 39, 165 (2003)
Magyar, P. see Lakshmibai, V. : 34, 229 (1998)
Maisonobe, P. see Biosca, H., et al. : 34, 123 (1998)
Manin, Y. I. : Functional equations for quantum theta functions. 40, 605 (2004)
Marastoni, C. see D'Agnolo, A. : 36, 337 (2000)
Matsuda, M. : On localized weak precompactness in Banach spaces. 32, 473 (1996)
Matsuda, M. : A generalization of the Radon-Nikodým property in dual Banach spaces, fragmentedness, and differentiability of convex functions. 35, 921 (1999)
Matsumoto, H. see Donati-Martin, C., et al. : 37, 295 (2001)
Matsumoto, H. see Donati-Martin, C., et al. : 40, 1385 (2004)
Matsumoto, K. : Theta constants associated with the cyclic triple coverings of the complex projective line branching at six points. 37, 419 (2001)
Matsuzawa, T. : Gevrey hypoellipticity for Grushin operators. 33, 775 (1997)
Matsuzawa, T. see Hashimoto, Y., et al. : 38, 289 (2002)
Maynadier, H. see Biosca, H., et al. : 34, 123 (1998)
Mccann, P. J., Carey, A. L. : A discrete model of the integer quantum Hall effect. 32, 117 (1996)
McCoy, B. M. see Fabricius, K. : 40, 905 (2004)
Menezes, C. : An upper bound for the characteristic variety of an induced \cal D-module. 33, 751 (1997)
Millson, J. J. see Kapovich, M. : 33, 1 (1997)
Mimura, M. : Pattern formation in consumer-finite resource reaction-diffusion systems. 40, 1413 (2004)
Minami, H. : On the K-theory of the projective symplectic groups. 31, 1045 (1995)
Mine, T. : The uniqueness of the integrated density of states for the Schrödinger operators for the Robin boundary conditions. 38, 355 (2002)
Miwa, T. see Ding, J. : 33, 277 (1997)
Miwa, T. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 125 (2004)
Miwa, T. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 163 (2004)
Miwa, T., Takeyama, Y., Tarasov, V. : Determinant formula for solutions of the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation associated with U_q(sl_n) at | q| =1. 35, 871 (1999)
Miyake, M., Yoshino, M. : Necessary conditions for Fredholmness of partial differential operators of irregular singular type. 32, 929 (1996)
Mizuo, M. : Noncommutative Sobolev spaces, C^\infty algebras and Schwartz distributions associated with semicircular systems. 39, 331 (2003)
Mochizuki, K., Nakazawa, H. : Energy decay of solutions to the wave equations with linear dissipation localized near infinity. 37, 441 (2001)
Mochizuki, K., Nakazawa, H. : Energy decay and asymptotic behavior of solutions to the wave equations with linear dissipation. 32, 401 (1996)
Mochizuki, K., Trooshin, I. : Inverse problem for interior spectral data of the Dirac Operator on a finite interval. 38, 387 (2002)
Mochizuki, S. : On semi-positivity and filtered Frobenius crystals. 31, 81 (1995)
Mochizuki, S. : The geometry of the compactification of the Hurwitz scheme. 31, 355 (1995)
Mochizuki, S. : A theory of ordinary p-adic curves. 32, 957 (1996)
Mochizuki, S. : The geometry of anabelioids. 40, 819 (2004)
Montesinos, V. see Chacón, G., et al. : 40, 1 (2004)
Moraes, L. A. see Lourenço, M. L. : 37, 521 (2001)
Moraes, L. A. see Llavona, J. G. : 40, 221 (2004)
Moran, W. see Baggett, L., et al. : 31, 95 (1995)
Mori, A. see Fukui, K. : 36, 321 (2000)
Morimoto, M. : Equivariant surgery theory: construction of equivariant normal maps. 31, 145 (1995)
Morimoto, M. : G-surgery on 3-dimensional manifolds for homology equivalences. 37, 191 (2001)
Morioka, T. : Régularité des ondes élastiques dans la région glancing des ondes P. 35, 599 (1999)
Morisugi, K., Oshima, H. : Cohomology classification of self-maps of sphere bundles over spheres. 32, 163 (1996)
Mourougane, C. : Images directes de fibrés en droites adjoints. 33, 893 (1997)
Mukhin, E. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 125 (2004)
Mukhin, E. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 163 (2004)
Murakami, T., Yamagami, S. : On types of quasifree representations of Clifford algebras. 31, 33 (1995)


Nagisa, M. see Itoh, T. : 36, 253 (2000)
Nakamoto, K. : Representation varieties and character varieties. 36, 159 (2000)
Nakamura, K. see Ogiwara, T. : 39, 767 (2003)
Nakamura, M., Ozawa, T. : The Cauchy problem for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in the Sobolev spaces. 37, 255 (2001)
Nakanishi, N. : Poisson cohomology of plane quadratic Poisson structures. 33, 73 (1997)
Nakayama, N. : Global structure of an elliptic fibration. 38, 451 (2002)
Nakayashiki, A. : On the Thomae formula for Z_N curves. 33, 987 (1997)
Nakayashiki, A. : Integral and theta formulae for solutions of sl_N Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation at level zero. 34, 439 (1998)
Nakazato, H. see Kurose, H. : 32, 555 (1996)
Nakazawa, H. see Mochizuki, K. : 32, 401 (1996)
Nakazawa, H. see Mochizuki, K. : 37, 441 (2001)
Nakazawa, N., Wakabayashi, S. : On hypoellipticity of the operator \exp[-|x_1|^ -\sigma]D^2_1 + x^4_1D^2_2 + 1. 38, 135 (2002)
Nang, P. : \cal D-modules associated to the group of similitudes. 35, 223 (1999)
Naumkin, P. I. see Hayashi, N., et al. : 35, 501 (1999)
Naumkin, P. I. see Kaikina, E., et al. : 38, 651 (2002)
Neumann, F. : A theorem of Tits, normalizers of maximal tori and fibrewise Bousfield-Kan completions. 35, 711 (1999)
Nishitani, T. : Strongly hyperbolic systems of maximal rank. 33, 765 (1997)
Nishiuchi, K. : A note on the approximation entropies of certain shifts. 33, 331 (1997)
Nishiyama, T. see Tani, A. : 33, 509 (1997)
Nishizawa, M. see Ueno, K. : 33, 813 (1997)
Nishizawa, M. : On a solution of a q-difference analogue of Lauricella's D-type hypergeometric equation with | q| =1. 34, 277 (1998)


Oaku, T., Yamazaki, S. : Higher-codimensional boundary value problems and F-mild microfunctions-local and microlocal uniqueness. 34, 383 (1998)
Obata, N. : Generalized quantum stochastic processes on Fock space. 31, 667 (1995)
Obitsu, K. : The asymptotic behavior of Eisenstein series and a comparison of the Weil-Petersson and the Zograf-Takhtajan metrics. 37, 459 (2001)
Octavio, A. see Chacón, G., et al. : 40, 1 (2004)
Oda, T. see Koseki, H. : 31, 959 (1995)
Oda, T., Tsuzuki, M. : Automorphic Green functions associated with the secondary spherical functions. 39, 451 (2003)
Ogawa, S., Kohatsu-Higa, A. : A BPE model for the Burgers equation. 40, 487 (2004)
Ogawa, T. see Kaikina, E., et al. : 38, 651 (2002)
Ogiwara, T., Nakamura, K. : Spiral traveling wave solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations related to a model of spiral crystal growth. 39, 767 (2003)
Ohkitani, K. : A survey on a class of exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations and a model for turbulence. 40, 1267 (2004)
Ohring, P. see Baggett, L., et al. : 31, 95 (1995)
Ohshika, K. see Fujiwara, K. : 38, 347 (2002)
Ohta, M. see Fujii, A. : 32, 503 (1996)
Ohtsuki, T. : A cabling formula for the 2-loop polynomial of knots. 40, 949 (2004)
Ojima, I. : Temperature as order parameter of broken scale invariance. 40, 731 (2004)
Oka, M. see Thanh, L. V. : 31, 577 (1995)
Okada, Y. see Liess, O., et al. : 37, 221 (2001)
Okaji, T. see De Carli, L. : 35, 825 (1999)
Okayasu, R. : Cuntz-Krieger-Pimsner algebras associated with amalgamated free product groups. 38, 147 (2002)
Okuda, J., Ueno, K. : Relations for multiple zeta values and Mellin transforms of multiple polylogarithms. 40, 537 (2004)
Ono, Y., Yamaguchi, K. : Group actions on spaces of rational functions. 39, 173 (2003)
O'Regan, D. see Agarwal, R. P. : 35, 725 (1999)
Oshima, H. see Morisugi, K. : 32, 163 (1996)
Ouch, S. I : Existence of solutions with asymptotic expansion of linear partial differential equations in the complex domain. 40, 239 (2004)
Ouchi, S. : Singular solutions with asymptotic expansion of linear partial differential equations in the complex domain. 34, 291 (1998)
Ouchi, S. : Asymptotic expansion of singular solutions and the characteristic polygon of linear partial differential equations in the complex domain. 36, 457 (2000)
Ozawa, T. see Nakamura, M. : 37, 255 (2001)


Pahk, D. H. see Sohn, B. K. : 37, 141 (2001)
Pahk, D. H., Sohn, B. K. : On the solvability of convolution equations in Beurling's distributions. 32, 157 (1996)
Paoli, J.-M. see Aimar, M.-T., et al. : 32, 191 (1996)
Parshall, B. see Cline, E., et al. : 35, 31 (1999)
Pask, D., Raeburn, I. : On the K-theory of Cuntz-Krieger algebras. 32, 415 (1996)
Paul, E. : Connectedness of the fibers of a Liouvillian function. 33, 465 (1997)
Pedersen, G. K. see Hansen, F. : 31, 169 (1995)
Pedersen, G. K. : Operator differentiable functions. 36, 139 (2000)
Pickering, A. see Gordoa, P. R., et al. : 37, 327 (2001)
Pickering, A. see Gordoa, P. R., et al. : 39, 435 (2003)
Pink, R. : The Mumford-Tate conjecture for Drinfeld-modules. 33, 393 (1997)
Proksch, M., Reents, G., Summers, S. J. : Quadratic representations of the canonical commutation relations. 31, 755 (1995)
Prosmans, F. : Derived categories for functional analysis. 36, 19 (2000)


Raeburn, I. see Pask, D. : 32, 415 (1996)
Reents, G. see Proksch, M., et al. : 31, 755 (1995)
Rieckers, A. see Honegger, R. : 33, 869 (1997)
Rieckers, A. see Hellmich, J., et al. : 38, 1 (2002)
Rigal, L. see Goodearl, K. R., et al. : 36, 269 (2000)
Risler, J.-J. see Hauser, H. : 35, 585 (1999)
Roan, S. : Picard groups of hypersurfaces in toric varieties. 32, 797 (1996)
Robinson, P. L. : Polarized states on the Weyl algebra. 39, 415 (2003)
Robinson, P. L. : Quadratic Weyl representations. 34, 1 (1998)
Robinson, P. L. : The Berezin calculus. 35, 123 (1999)
Robinson, P. L. : Polynomial Weyl representations. 35, 195 (1999)
Robinson, P. L. : The generalized Fock implementation of complex orthogonal transformations. 36, 511 (2000)
Röckner, M. see Kondratiev, Y., et al. : 39, 1 (2003)
Röckner, M., Zhang, T. S. : Sample path large deviations for diffusion processes on configuration spaces over a Riemannian manifold. 40, 385 (2004)
Rouleux, M. : Resonances for a semi-classical Schrödinger operator near a non-trapping energy level. 34, 487 (1998)
Ruijsenaars, S. : Action-angle maps and scattering theory for some finite-dimensional integrable systems. III. Sutherland type systems and their duals. 31, 247 (1995)
Ruijsenaars, S. N. M. : Hilbert space theory for reflectionless relativistic potentials. 36, 707 (2000)


Sabbah, C. : Monodromy at infinity and Fourier transform. 33, 643 (1997)
Saburi, Y. : A complex analytic study on the theory of Fourier series on compact Lie groups. 33, 953 (1997)
Sagaki, D. : Crystal bases, path models, and a twining character formula for Demazure modules. 38, 245 (2002)
Saito, K. : Polyhedra dual to the Weyl chamber decomposition: A précis. 40, 1337 (2004)
Saito, K., Takebayashi, T. : Extended affine root systems. III. Elliptic Weyl groups. 33, 301 (1997)
Saito, K., Yoshii, D. : Extended affine root system. IV. Simply-laced elliptic Lie algebras. 36, 385 (2000)
Saito, M. : Filtrations on Chow groups and transcendence degree. 40, 933 (2004)
Saito, N. : On the Stokes equation with the leak and slip boundary conditions of friction type: regularity of solutions. 40, 345 (2004)
Saito, Y. : Quantum toroidal algebras and their vertex representations. 34, 155 (1998)
Sankaran, P., Vanchinathan, P. : Small resolutions of Schubert varieties and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. 31, 465 (1995)
Satake, I. : Automorphisms of the extended affine root system and modular property for the flat theta invariants. 31, 1 (1995)
Sato, H. see Denker, M. : 35, 769 (1999)
Sato, N. : Fourier transform for paragroups and its application to the depth two case. 33, 189 (1997)
Schapira, P. see D'Agnolo, A. : 40, 1093 (2004)
Scharf, T. see Duchamp, G., et al. : 31, 179 (1995)
Schmidt, A. : On p-adic zeta-functions associated to the positive topology of algebraic number fields. 33, 151 (1997)
Schmidt, K. M., Yamada, O. : Spherically symmetric Dirac operators with variable mass and potentials infinite at infinity. 34, 211 (1998)
Schulze, B. -W. : Operators with symbol hierarchies and iterated asymptotics. 38, 735 (2002)
Scott, L. see Cline, E., et al. : 35, 31 (1999)
Shaw, S.-Y. see Li, Y.-C. : 31, 625 (1995)
Shaw, S.-Y. see Li, Y.-C. : 34, 579 (1998)
Shibukawa, Y. see Kawazumi, N. : 36, 85 (2000)
Shiga, H. see Hinokuma, T. : 34, 313 (1998)
Shiga, H., Yamaguchi, T. : Principal bundle maps via rational homotopy theory. 39, 49 (2003)
Shimada, I. : Picard-Lefschetz theory for the universal coverings of complements to affine hypersurfaces. 32, 835 (1996)
Shimizu, S. : Scattering theory for elastic wave propagation problems in perturbed stratified media. II. 33, 341 (1997)
Shimomura, A. : Asymptotic distribution of negative eigenvalues for three dimensional Pauli operators with nonconstant magnetic fields. 38, 321 (2002)
Shimomura, H. : Canonical representations generated by translationally quasi-invariant measures. 32, 633 (1996)
Shimomura, H. : 1-cocycles for rotationally invariant measures. 33, 967 (1997)
Shimomura, S. : Poles and \alpha-points of meromorphic solutions of the first Painlevé hierarchy. 40, 471 (2004)
Shin, D.-U. see Kang, S.-J., et al. : 40, 757 (2004)
Shirai, A. : A Maillet type theorem for first order singular nonlinear partial differential equations. 39, 275 (2003)
Shirai, S. : Eigenvalue asymptotics for the Schrödinger operator with steplike magnetic field and slowly decreasing electric potential. 39, 297 (2003)
Shirai, T. : A trace formula for discrete Schrödinger operators. 34, 27 (1998)
Shitanda, Y. : Cancellation and noncancellation phenomena for infinite complexes. 32, 383 (1996)
Siersma, D., Tibăr, M. : Singularities at infinity and their vanishing cycles. II. Monodromy. 36, 659 (2000)
Sinha, K. B. see Araki, H., et al. : 31, 941 (1995)
Sjöstrand, J. : Asymptotic distribution of eigenfrequencies for damped wave equations. 36, 573 (2000)
Slodowy, P. see Helmke, S. : 37, 349 (2001)
Smith, T. B. see Hennings, M. A., et al. : 34, 325 (1998)
Smith, T. B. see Dubin, D. A., et al. : 35, 1 (1999)
Sohn, B. K. see Pahk, D. H. : 32, 157 (1996)
Sohn, B. K., Pahk, D. H. : Analytic representation of generalized tempered distributions by wavelets. 37, 141 (2001)
Stapp, H. P. : Correspondence and analyticity. 40, 883 (2004)
Stokman, J. V. see Dijkhuizen, M. S. : 35, 451 (1999)
Stokman, J. V. see Koelink, E. : 37, 621 (2001)
Sudo, T. : The structure of group C^*-algebras of the generalized Dixmier groups. 39, 205 (2003)
Summers, S. J. see Proksch, M., et al. : 31, 755 (1995)
Sunder, V. S. see Araki, H., et al. : 31, 941 (1995)
Suwa, M. : Distributions of exponential growth with support in a proper convex cone. 40, 565 (2004)
Suzuki, T. : Differential equations associated to the SU(2) WZNW model on elliptic curves. 32, 207 (1996)


Tahara, H. see Chen, H. : 35, 621 (1999)
Takahashi, T. : Characterization of the pull-back of \cal D-modules. 35, 315 (1999)
Takebayashi, T. see Saito, K. : 33, 301 (1997)
Takei, Y. : Singular-perturbative reduction to Birkhoff normal form and instanton-type formal solutions of Hamiltonian systems. 34, 601 (1998)
Takei, Y. : Toward the exact WKB analysis for higher order Painlevé equations -The case of Noumi-Yamada systems-. 40, 709 (2004)
Takemura, K., Uglov, D. : Representations of the quantum toroidal algebra on highest weight modules of the quantum affine algebra of type \mathfrak{gl}_N. 35, 407 (1999)
Takeuchi, K. : Binormal deformation and bimicrolocalization. 32, 277 (1996)
Takeuchi, K. : Microlocal inverse image and bimicrolocalization. 34, 135 (1998)
Takeyama, Y. see Miwa, T., et al. : 35, 871 (1999)
Takeyama, Y. : The q-twisted cohomology and the q-hypergeometric function at | q | =1. 37, 71 (2001)
Takeyama, Y. : Form factors of SU(N) invariant Thirring model. 39, 59 (2003)
Takeyama, Y. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 125 (2004)
Takeyama, Y. see Feigin, B., et al. : 40, 163 (2004)
Tamagawa, A. : The Eisenstein quotient of the Jacobian variety of a Drinfeld modular curve. 31, 203 (1995)
Tamagawa, A. : Resolution of nonsingularities of families of curves. 40, 1291 (2004)
Tamura, A. : Applications of discrete convex analysis to mathematical economics. 40, 1015 (2004)
Tamura, H. see Ito, H. T. : 37, 531 (2001)
Tani, A., Nishiyama, T. : Solvability of equations for motion of a vortex filament with or without axial flow. 33, 509 (1997)
Taniguchi, K. : On uniqueness of commutative rings of Weyl group invariant differential operators. 33, 257 (1997)
Taniguchi, M. : A remark on singular perturbation methods via the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction. 31, 1001 (1995)
Tarama, S. : Local uniqueness in the Cauchy problem for second order elliptic equations with non-Lipschitzian coefficients. 33, 167 (1997)
Tarasov, V. see Miwa, T., et al. : 35, 871 (1999)
Thangavelu, S. : On theorems of Hardy, Gelfand-Shilov and Beurling for semisimple groups. 40, 311 (2004)
Thanh, L. V., Oka, M. : Estimation of the number of the critical values at infinity of a polynomial function f: C^2 \rightarrow C. 31, 577 (1995)
Thibon, J.-Y. see Duchamp, G., et al. : 31, 179 (1995)
Thomsen, K. : Traces, unitary characters and crossed products by Z. 31, 1011 (1995)
Tibăr, M. see Siersma, D. : 36, 659 (2000)
Tomari, M. : Multiplicity of filtered rings and simple K3 singularities of multiplicity two. 38, 693 (2002)
Torrelli, T. : Bernstein polynomials of a smooth function restricted to an isolated hypersurface singularity. 39, 797 (2003)
Tose, N. see Liess, O., et al. : 37, 221 (2001)
Trapani, C. see Bagarello, F. : 32, 85 (1996)
Trapani, C. see Bagarello, F. : 36, 681 (2000)
Trooshin, I. see Mochizuki, K. : 38, 387 (2002)
Tsujimoto, S. : On a discrete analogue of the two-dimensional Toda lattice hierarchy. 38, 113 (2002)
Tsukuda, S. : Notes on the group of S^1 equivariant homeomorphisms. 31, 1097 (1995)
Tsunogai, H. : On some derivations of Lie algebras related to Galois representations. 31, 113 (1995)
Tsuzuki, M. see Oda, T. : 39, 451 (2003)


Uchida, H. see Hayashi, N., et al. : 35, 501 (1999)
Uchida, M. : A generalization of Bochner's tube theorem in elliptic boundary value problems. 31, 1065 (1995)
Uchida, M. : On the micro-hyperbolic boundary value problem for systems of differential equations. 37, 151 (2001)
Uchikoshi, K. : Cauchy problems for mixed-type operators. 36, 191 (2000)
Uchiyama, J. see Arai, M. : 32, 581 (1996)
Uchiyama, J. see Arai, M. : 32, 617 (1996)
Ueki, N. : Wegner estimates and localization for Gaussian random potentials. 40, 29 (2004)
Ueno, K. see Okuda, J. : 40, 537 (2004)
Ueno, K., Nishizawa, M. : Multiple gamma functions and multiple q-gamma functions. 33, 813 (1997)
Uglov, D. see Takemura, K. : 35, 407 (1999)
Umezu, Y. : Normal quintic surfaces which are birationally Enriques surfaces. 33, 359 (1997)
Ushijima, T. K. : On the approximation of blow-up time for solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations. 36, 613 (2000)


Van Diejen, J. F. : On certain multiple Bailey, Rogers and Dougall type summation formulas. 33, 483 (1997)
Vanchinathan, P. see Sankaran, P. : 31, 465 (1995)
Vasudeva, H. L. see Bist, V. : 33, 59 (1997)
Vedernikov, V. : A family of rank-2 mathematical instanton bundles on P_3. 33, 573 (1997)
Venkova, M. see Boyd, C., et al. : 40, 7 (2004)
Volkov, A. Y. see Faddeev, L. : 40, 1113 (2004)
Voros, A. : From exact-WKB towards singular quantum perturbation theory. 40, 973 (2004)


Wakabayashi, S. see Nakazawa, N. : 38, 135 (2002)
Wambst, M. see Kassel, C. : 34, 91 (1998)
Wang, H.-Y. : The exactness theorem for Floer homology. 33, 713 (1997)
Wang, W. see Cheng, S.-J. : 39, 545 (2003)
Watanabe, K. : An application of orthoisomorphisms to non-commutative L^p-isometries. 32, 493 (1996)
Watanabe, T. : The Chern character of the symmetric space EI. 31, 533 (1995)
Wilkerson Jr., C. W. see Dwyer, W. G. : 40, 295 (2004)
Winsløw, C. : The flow of weights in subfactor theory. 31, 519 (1995)


Xi, N. : Irreducible modules of quantized enveloping algebras at roots of 1. 32, 235 (1996)
Xu, F. : Algebraic coset conformal field theories. II. 35, 795 (1999)
Xu, F. : On a conjecture of Kac-Wakimoto. 37, 165 (2001)


Yagdjian, K. see Ishida, H. : 38, 265 (2002)
Yagisita, H. : Backward global solutions characterizing annihilation dynamics of travelling fronts. 39, 117 (2003)
Yamada, H. : Elliptic root system and elliptic Artin group. 36, 111 (2000)
Yamada, O. see Schmidt, K. M. : 34, 211 (1998)
Yamada, O. see Kalf, H. : 35, 825 (1999)
Yamagami, S. see Murakami, T. : 31, 33 (1995)
Yamaguchi, K. see Ono, Y. : 39, 173 (2003)
Yamaguchi, K. : Configuration space models for spaces of maps from a Riemann surface to complex projective space. 39, 535 (2003)
Yamaguchi, T. see Shiga, H. : 39, 49 (2003)
Yamamoto, M. see Imanuvilov, O. Y. : 39, 227 (2003)
Yamane, H. : The essential singularity of the solution of a ramified characteristic Cauchy problem. 32, 539 (1996)
Yamane, H. : Nonlinear singular first order partial differential equations whose characteristic exponent takes a positive integral value. 33, 801 (1997)
Yamane, H. : Singularities in Fuchsian Cauchy problems with holomorphic data. 34, 179 (1998)
Yamane, H. : On defining relations of affine Lie superalgebras and affine quantized universal enveloping superalgebras. 35, 321 (1999)
Yamane, H. : Errata to: ``On defining relations of affine Lie superalgebras and affine quantized universal enveloping superalgebras''. 37, 615 (2001)
Yamane, H. : A Serre-type theorem for the elliptic Lie algebras with rank \geq 2. 40, 441 (2004)
Yamanoshita, T. : On the group of S^1-equivariant homeomorphisms of the 3-sphere. 31, 953 (1995)
Yamazaki, S. : Goursat problem for a microdifferential operator of Fuchsian type and its application. 33, 599 (1997)
Yamazaki, S. see Oaku, T. : 34, 383 (1998)
Yeom, Y. see Chung, S.-Y. : 35, 737 (1999)
Yor, M. see Donati-Martin, C., et al. : 37, 295 (2001)
Yor, M. see Émery, M. : 40, 669 (2004)
Yor, M. see Donati-Martin, C., et al. : 40, 1385 (2004)
Yoshida, J. : On the geometry of differential equations associated with the theta-zero value. 31, 847 (1995)
Yoshihara, H. : Quotients of abelian surfaces. 31, 135 (1995)
Yoshii, D. see Saito, K. : 36, 385 (2000)
Yoshino, M. see Gramchev, T. : 31, 443 (1995)
Yoshino, M. see Miyake, M. : 32, 929 (1996)


Zampieri, G. see Baracco, L. : 33, 687 (1997)
Zhang, D.-Q. : Normal algebraic surfaces with trivial tricanonical divisors. 33, 427 (1997)
Zhang, T. S. see Röckner, M. : 40, 385 (2004)


Index of Publications
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences