Contents (Volume 31) (1995)
- Ikuo Satake, Automorphisms of the extended affine root system and modular property for the flat theta invariants, 1
- Toshiki Murakami and Sigeru Yamagami, On types of quasifree representations of Clifford algebras, 33
- Ioan M. James, Fibrewise compactly-generated spaces, 45
- Philippe Biane, Representations of unitary groups and free convolution, 63
- Shinichi Mochizuki, On semi-positivity and filtered Frobenius crystals, 81
- Larry Baggett, Alan Carey, William Moran and Peter Ohring, General existence theorems for orthonormal wavelets, an abstract approach, 95
- Hiroshi Tsunogai, On some derivations of Lie algebras related to Galois representations, 113
- Hisao Yoshihara, Quotients of abelian surfaces, 135
- Masaharu Morimoto, Equivariant surgery theory: Construction of equivariant normal maps, 145
- Frank Hansen and Gert K. Pedersen, Perturbation formulas for traces on C*-algebras, 169
- Gerard Duchamp, Daniel Krob, Alain Lascoux, Bernard Leclerc, Thomas Scharf and Jean-Yves Thibon, Euler-Poincare characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 179
- Akio Tamagawa, The Eisenstein quotient of the Jacobian variety of a Drinfeld modular curve, 203
- Simon Ruijsenaars, Action-angle maps and scattering theory for some finite-dimensional integrable systems III. Sutherland type systems and their duals, 247
- Sinichi Mochizuki, The geometry of the compactification of the Hurwitz scheme, 355
- Todor Gramchev and Masafumi Yoshino, WKB analysis to global solvability and hypoellipticity, 443
- Parameswaran Sankaran and P. Vanchinathan, Small resolutions of Schubert varieties and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, 465
- Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Classification of paragroup actions on subfactors, 481
- Carl Winslow, The flow of weights in subfactor theory, 519
- Takashi Watanabe, The Chern character of the symmetric space EI, 533
- Luigi Accardi, Alberto Frigerio and Yun G. Lu, The quantum weak coupling limit (II): Langevin equation and finite temperature case, 545
- Le Van Thanh and Mutsuo Oka, Estimation of the number of the critical values at infinity of a polynomial function $f:C^2 \rightarrow C$, 577
- Yasuhiro Hara, Circle actions and higher elliptic genera, 599
- Satoshi Goto, Symmetric flat connections, triviality of Loi's invariant and orbifold subfactors, 609
- Yuan-Chuan Li and Sen-Yen Shaw, Hermitian and positive C-semigroups on Banach spaces, 625
- Soichiro Katayama, Global existence for systems of nonlinear wave equations in two space dimensions, II, 645
- Nobuaki Obata, Generalized quantum stochastic processes on Fock space, 667
- Alain Henaut, Systemes differentiels, nombre de Castelnuovo et rang des tissus de $C^n$, 703
- Masaharu Kusuda, Norm additivity conditions for normal linear functionals on von Neumann algebras, 721
- Katsuhiro Komiya, Equivariant K-theory and maps between representation spheres, 725
- Hiroyuki Chihara, Global existence of small solutions to semilinear Schrodinger equations with gauge invariance, 731
- Martin Proksch, Georg Reents and Stephen J. Summers, Quadratic representations of the canonical commutation relations, 755
- Gunther Hormann and Christian D. Jakel, Galilei invariant molecular dynamics, 805
- Soon-Yeong Chung and Dohan Kim, Distributions with exponential growth and Bochner-Schwartz theorem for Fourier hyperfunctions, 829
- Jun-ichi Yoshida, On the geometry of differential equations associated with the theta-zerovalue, 847
- Vyjayanthi Chari, Minimal affinizations of representations of quantum groups: the rank 2 case, 873
- Alexandre I. Danilenko, The topological structure of Polish groups and groupoids of measure space transformations, 913
- Huzihiro Araki, Kalyan B. Sinha and Viakalathur S. Sunder, On boundedness and | \cdot |_p continuity of second quantisation, 941
- Tsuneyo Yamanoshita, On the group of $S^1$-equivariant homeomorphisms of the 3-Sphere, 953
- Harutaka Koseki and Takayuki Oda, Whittaker functions for the large discrete series representations of $SU(2,1)$ and related zeta integrals, 959
- Masaharu Taniguchi, A remark on singular perturbation methods via the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction, 1001
- Klaus Thomsen, Traces, unitary characters and crossed products by ${\Bbb Z}$, 1011
- Angelina Chin, The cohomology rings of some p-groups, 1031
- Haruo Minami, On the K-theory of the projective symplectic groups, 1045
- Motoo Uchida, A generalization of Bochner's tube theorem in elliptic boundary value problems, 1065
- Jan Boman, Microlocal quasianalyticity for distributions and ultradistributions, 1079
- Shuichi Tsukuda, Notes on the group of $S^1$ equivariant homeomorphisms, 1097
- Hiroshi T. Ito, High-energy behavior of the scattering amplitude for a Dirac operator, 1107