Author |
Title, Page |
ACCARDI, Luigi, Alberto FRIGERIO and Yun G. LU
The quantum weak coupling limit (II): Langevin equation and finite temperature case, 545
ARAKI, Huzihiro, Kalyan B. SINHA and Viakalathur S. SUNDER
On boundedness and $\|\cdot\|_p$ continuity of second quantisation,941
BAGGETT, Larry, Alan CAREY, William MORAN and Peter OHRING
General existence theorems for orthonormal wavelets, an abstract approach, 95
BIANE, Philippe
Representations of unitary groups and free convolution, 63
Microlocal quasianalyticity for distributions and ultradistributions, 1079
CAREY, Alan, Larry BAGGETT, William MORAN and Peter OHRING
General existence theorems for orthonormal wavelets, an abstract approach, 95
CHARI, Vyjayanthi
Minimal affinizations of representations of quantum groups: the rank 2 case, 873
CHIHARA, Hiroyuki
Global existence of small solutions to semilinear Schr{\"o}dinger equations with gauge invariance, 731
CHIN, Angelina
The cohomology rings of some $p$-groups, 1031
CHUNG, Soon-Yeong, and Dohan KIM
Distributions with exponential growth and Bochner-Schwartz theorem for Fourier hyperfunctions, 829
DANILENKO, Alexandre I.
The topological structure of Polish groups and groupoids of measure space transformations, 913
DUCHAMP, G{\'e}rard, Daniel KROB, Alain LASCOUX, Bernard LECLERC, Thomas SCHARF and Jean-Yves THIBON
Euler-Poincar{\'e} characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras,179
FRIGERIO, Algerto, Luigi ACCARDI, and Yun G. LU
The quantum weak coupling limit (II): Langevin equation and finite temperature case, 545
GOTO, Satoshi
Symmetric flat connections, triviality of Loi's invariant and orbifold subfactors, 609
GRAMCHEV, Todor, and Masafumi YOSHINO
WKB analysis to global solvability and hypoellipticity, 443
HANSEN, Frank, and Gert K. PEDERSEN
Perturbation formulas for traces on $C^*$-algebras,169
HARA, Yasuhiro
Circle actions and higher elliptic genera, 599
H{\'E}NAUT, Alain
Syst{\`e}mes diff{\`e}rentiels, nombre de Castelnuovo et rang des tissus de $C^n$, 703
H{\"O}RMANN, G{\"u}nther, and Christian D. J{\"A}KEL
Galilei invariant molecular dynamics, 805
ITO, Hiroshi T.
High-energy behavior of the scattering amplitude for a Dirac operator, 1107
J{\"A}KEL, Christian D., and G{\"u}nther H{\"O}RMANN
Galilei invariant molecular dynamics, 805
JAMES, Ioan M.
Fibrewise compactly-generated spaces, 45
KATAYAMA, Soichiro
Global existence for systems of nonlinear wave equations in two space dimensions, II, 645
Classification of paragroup actions on subfactors, 481
KIM, Dohan, and Soon-Yeong CHUNG
Distributions with exponential growth and Bochner-Schwartz theorem for Fourier hyperfunctions, 829
KOMIYA, Katsuhiro
Equivariant $K$-theory and maps between representation spheres, 725
KOSEKI, Harutaka and Takayuki ODA
Whittaker functions for the large discrete series representations of $SU(2,1)$ and related zeta integrals, 959
KROB, Daniel, G{\'e}rard DUCHAMP, Alain LASCOUX, Bernard LECLERC, Thomas SCHARF and Jean-Yves THIBON
Euler-Poincar{\'e} characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 179
KUSUDA, Masaharu
Norm additivity conditions for normal linear functionals on von Neumann algebras, 721
LASCOUX, Alain, G{\'e}rard DUCHAMP, Daniel KROB, Bernard LECLERC, Thomas SCHARF and Jean-Yves THIBON
Euler-Poincar{\'e} characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 179
LECLERC, Bernard, G{\'e}rard DUCHAMP, Daniel KROB, Alain LASCOUX, Thomas SCHARF and Jean-Yves THIBON
Euler-Poincar{\'e characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 179
LI, Yuan-Chuan, and Sen-Yen SHAW
Hermitian and positive $C$-semigroups on Banach spaces, 625
LU, Yun G., Luigi ACCARDI and Alberto FRIGERIO
The quantum weak coupling limit (II): Langevin equation and finite temperature case, 545
On the $K$-theory of the projective symplectic groups, 1045
On semi-positivity and filtered Frobenius crystals, 81
The geometry of the compactification of the Hurwitz scheme, 355
MORAN, William, Larry BAGGETT, Alan CAREY and Peter OHRING
General existence theorems for orthonormal wavelets, an abstract approach, 95
MORIMOTO, Masaharu
Equivariant surgery theory: Construction of equivariant normal maps, 145
MURAKAMI, Toshiki and Sigeru YAMAGAMI
On types of quasifree representations of Clifford algebras, 33
OBATA, Nobuaki
Generalized quantum stochastic processes on Fock space, 667
ODA, Takayuki, and Harutaka KOSEKI
Whittaker functions for the large discrete series representations of $SU(2,1)$ and related zeta integrals, 959
OHRING, Peter, Larry BAGGETT, Alan CAREY and William MORAN
General existence theorems for orthonormal wavelets, an abstract approach, 95
OKA, Mutsuo, and Le Van THANH
Estimation of the number of the critical values at infinity of a polynomial function $f:C^2 \rightarrow C$, 577
PEDERSEN, Gert K., and Frank HANSEN
Perturbation formulas for traces on $C^*$-algebras, 169
PROKSCH, Martin, Georg REENTS and Stephen J. SUMMERS
Quadratic representations of the canonical commutation relations, 755
REENTS, Georg, Martin PROKSCH and Stephen J. SUMMERS
Quadratic representations of the canonical commutation relations, 755
Action-angle maps and scattering theory for some finite-dimensional integrable systems III. Sutherland type systems and their duals, 247
Small resolutions of Schubert varieties and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, 465
Automorphisms of the extended affine root system and modular property for the flat theta invariants, 1
SCHARF, Thomas, G{\'e}rard DUCHAMP, Daniel KROB, Alain LAXCOUX, Bernard LECLERC, and Jean-Yves THIBON
Euler-Poincar{\'e} characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 179
SHAW, Sen-Yen and Yuan-Chuan LI
Hermitian and positive $C$-semigroups on Banach spaces, 625
SINHA, Kalyan B., Huzihiro ARAKI, and Viakalathur S. SUNDER
On boundedness and $\|\cdot\|_p$ continuity of second quantisation, 941
SUMMERS, Stephen J., Martin PROKSCH and Georg REENTS
Quadratic representations of the canonical commutation relations, 755
SUNDER, Viakalathur S., Huzihiro ARAKI and Kalyan B. SINHA
On boundedness and $\|\cdot\|_p$ continuity of second quantisation, 941
The Eisenstein quotient of the Jacobian variety of a Drinfeld modular curve, 203
A remark on singular perturbation methods via the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction, 1001
THANH, Le Van, and Mutsuo OKA
Estimation of the number of the critical values at infinity of a polynomial function $f:C^2 \rightarrow C$, 577
THIBON, Jean-Yves, G{\'e}rard DUCHAMP, Daniel KROB, Alain LASCOUX, Bernard LECLERC and Thomas SCHARF
Euler-Poincar{\'e} characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 179
Traces, unitary characters and crossed products by ${\Bbb Z$, 1011
TSUKUDA, Shuichi
Notes on the group of $S^1$ equivariant homeomorphisms, 1097
TSUNOAI, Hiroshi
On some derivations of Lie algebras related to Galois representations, 113
A generalization of Bochner's tube theorem in elliptic boundary value problems, 1065
Small resolutions of Schubert varieties and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, 465
The Chern character of the symmetric space $EI$, 533
WINSL{\O}W, Carl
The flow of weights in subfactor theory, 519
YAMAGAMI, Sigeru and Toshiki MURAKAMI
On types of quasifree representations of Clifford algebras, 33
On the group of $S^1$-equivariant homeomorphisms of the 3-Sphere, 953
YOSHIDA, Jun-ichi
On the geometry of differential equations associated with the theta-zerovalue, 847
Quotients of abelian surfaces, 135
YOSHINO, Masafumi, and Todor GRAMCHEV
WKB analysis to global solvability and hypoellipticity, 443 |