Welcome to Kôhei Sasaya's Homepage.

I am a postdoc (RIMS project fellow for "Stochastic Processes and Related Fields"). I specialize in analysis and related geometry on Fractals.
Keywords: fractal, quasisymmetry, Ahlfors regular conformal dimension, spectral dimension, resistance form, Dirichlet form.

1. K. Sasaya, Some inequalities between Ahlfors regular conformal dimension and spectral dimensions for resistance forms, 2022.
2. K. Sasaya,
Some relation between spectral dimension and Ahlfors regular conformal dimension on infinite graphs, 2021.

Refereed papers
1. K. Sasaya,
Systems of dyadic cubes of complete, doubling, uniformly perfect metric spaces without detours. Colloq. Math. 172 (2023), no.1, 49-64.
2. K. Sasaya,
Ahlfors regular conformal dimension of metrics on infinite graphs and spectral dimension of the associated random walks. J. Fractal. Geom. 9 (2022), no.1-2, 89-128.

Research experience
2023.4-present RIMS project fellow
2020.4-2023.3 JSPS research fellow (DC1)

2023.3 Ph.D. of Science, Kyoto University
2020.3 M.Sc., Kyoto University
2018.3 B.Sc., Kyoto University

Kôhei Sasaya
Email: ksasaya(at)kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tel.: (+81) 75-753-(seven-two-five-four)
Address: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Office: Room 306, Research Bldg. No 4. (No. 38 of
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