Analytic Number Theory
本橋 洋一
Yoichi Motohashi
目 次
1. The Multiplicative Group of Rationals Generated by the shifted Primes(Analytic Number Theory)-------------------------------------1
    Colorado University   Elliott, P.D.T.A.
2. ON THE FUNCTION $E_\sigma(T)$(Analytic Number Theory)----------------------------------------------------------------------------10
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Iwate University   松本 耕二 (MATSUMOTO, Kohji)
3. Some relations between invariants of cyclotomic $\mathbf{Z}_p$-fields(Analytic Number Theory)------------------------------------29
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University   市川 尚志 (ICHIKAWA, Takashi)
4. Distribution of integral points on varieties(Analytic Number Theory)-------------------------------------------------------------39
    お茶の水女子大学   藤原 正彦 (FUJIWARA, Masahiko)
5. Applications of Baker's theory of linear forms in logarithms to exponential diophantine equations(Analytic Number Theory)--------48
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research   Shorey, T.N.
6. Algebraic independence by Mahler's method and power sums(Analytic Number Theory)-------------------------------------------------61
    日本大学文理学部   西岡 久美子 (Nishioka, Kumiko)
7. Theta functions and modular forms(Analytic Number Theory)------------------------------------------------------------------------76
    Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University   佐々木 隆二 (SASAKI, Ryuji)
8. AN APPLICATION OF QUANTITATIVE SUBSPACE THEOREM(Analytic Number Theory)----------------------------------------------------------81
    日本大学理工学部   平田 典子 (HIRATA-KOHNO, NORIKO)
9. Dirichlet series with periodic coefficients(Analytic Number Theory)--------------------------------------------------------------88
    鹿児島高等専門学校 / 近畿大学,九州工業大学   石橋 睦 / 金光 滋 (Ishibashi, M. / Kanemitsu, S.)
10. Some asymptotic results on Hurwitz zeta-functions(Analytic Number Theory)------------------------------------------------------114
    鹿児島大学理学部 / 岩手大学教育学部   桂田 昌紀 / 松本 耕二 (KATSURADA, Masanori / MATSUMOTO, Kohji)
11. Analogs of the additive divisor problem for Fourier coefficients of cusp forms(Analytic Number Theory)-------------------------124
    Department of Mathematics, University of Turku   JUTILA, MATTI
12. Hecke-eigenfunctions on the space of rational binary quadratic forms and periods of Maass wave forms(Analytic Number Theory)---128
    Department of Mathematics, Rikkyo University   佐藤 文広 (Sato, Fumihiro)
13. ふたつの素数の和について(解析的整数論)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------149
    筑波大学   三河 寛 (Mikawa, H.)
14. 二次体の類数公式の細分化(解析的整数論)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------170
    新潟大学教養学部   秋山 茂樹 (Akiyama, Shigeki)
15. 行列の加法的数論にあらわれるDirichlet級数について(解析的整数論)----------------------------------------------------------------178
    富山大学工学部   江上 繁樹 (EGAMI, Shigeki)
16. 一様分布論におけるErdosの予想に対する反例(解析的整数論)------------------------------------------------------------------------187
    山形大学教育学部   鹿野 健 (Kano, T.)
17. ON THE POSITIVITY OF THE SINGULAR INTEGRAL(Analytic Number Theory)-------------------------------------------------------------196
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology   野田 工 (NODA, TAKUMI)
18. On the sum of four cubes and a product(Analytic Number Theory)-----------------------------------------------------------------201
    筑波大学大学院   川田 浩一 (Kawada, Koichi)
19. The mean square of Hecke $L$-series attached to holomorphic cusp-forms(Analytic Number Theory)---------------------------------214
    Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University   本橋 洋一 (MOTOHASHI, YOICHI)