- Topological Elliptic Genera, Physical Math Seminar, Max Plank Institute for Mathematics, November 2024.
- Topological Elliptic Genera, NYU Satellite Workshop 24, Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries, November 2024.
- Topological Modular Forms, its equivariant refinements and relation with supersymmetric quantum field theories, Geometry and Quantum Theory seminar, Center of Mathematical Sciences and Application (CMSA), Harvard University, October 2024.
- KO and TMF, Yatsugatake Workshop 2024 Chromatic Homotopy Theory, Wellness Garden in Goddess Forest Kobuchizawa, September 2024.
- Topological Modular Forms and supersymmetric quantum field theories, International Workshop on Algebraic Topology (IWoAT2024), Fudan University, June 2024.
- Topological Modular Forms and supersymmetric quantum field theories, the Mathematical Society of Japan Spring meeting 2024, Osaka Metropolitan University, March 2024.
- Homotopy theory and quantum field theories,
Colloquium at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, March 2024.
- Topological modular forms and supersymmetric quantum field theories,
Higher structure seminar and RTG colloquium, Goettingen university, February 2024.
- Topological modular forms and supersymmetric quantum field theories,
AG seminar, Regensburg university, January 2024.
- Topological modular forms and heretoric string theory,
Tsinghua-Tokyo workshop on Calabi-Yau, Fuji Kenshujo, January 2024.
- Topological modular forms and heretoric string theory, Mathematical Physics seminar at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, October 2023.
- Topological modular forms and heretoric string theory, a Special seminar at CMSA Harvard University, September 2023.
- Algebraic Topology and Quantum Field Theory, MSJ-KMS joint meeting 2023, Sendai International Center, September 2023.
- Topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Geometry, Topology & Physics (GTP) Seminar, online, September 2023.
- Topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Categorical Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory (Annual meeting of Simons Collaboration), SwissMAP Research Station in Les Diabrelets, August 2023.
- Topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics (Yasu Festa 60), University of Tokyo, July 2023.
- Anderson self-duality of topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Topological Moonshine, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, July 2023.
- Anderson self-duality of topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Geometry and Topology, Kyushu University, June 2023.
- Anderson self-duality of topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Differential topology seminar, Kyoto University, May 2023.
- Anderson self-duality of topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Tuesday seminar of Topology, University of Tokyo, May 2023.
- Anderson self-duality of topological modular forms and heterotic string theory, Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter, International Institute for Advanced Studies, April 2023.
- Algebraic topology and physics, Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Meet in Okinawa, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Mach 2023.
- Topological Modular Forms and vanishing of heterotic anomaly, North Atlantic Noncommutative Geometry Seminar, online, March 2023.
- Algebraic topology and QFT, Group actions on operator algebras and mathematical physics, RIMS, Kyoto University, January 2023.
- Topological Modular Forms and vanishing of heterotic anomaly, The 7th Japan-China Geometry Conference, Hiroshima University, December 2022.
- Topological Modular Forms and vanishing of heterotic anomaly, Annual Meeting on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Osaka Kyoiku University, December 2022.
- Topological Modular Forms and vanishing of heterotic anomaly, Algebraic topology seminar, Mathematics Faculty in Warsaw University, October 2022.
- Algebraic topology and physics, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Science, October 2022.
- Classification of invertible QFTs via algebraic topology, Physics Faculty in Warsaw University, October 2022.
- Fully extended invertible non-topological QFTs and differential Anderson duals, Higher Symmetry and Quantum Field Theory, Aspen Center for Physics, September 2022.
- Algebraic topology and physics, RIMS workshop "Women in Mathematics", online, September 2022.
- Category of QFTs and differential cohomology, Operator Algebras: Subfactors, K-theory, Conformal Field Theory, Gregynog Hall, July 2022.
- Category of QFTs and differential cohomology, String Math 2022, University of Warsaw, July 2022.
- Differential cohomology and physics, BU-Keio-Tsinghua 2022 Workshop, online, June 2022.
- Introduction to Differential cohomology, CREST tutorial workshop "Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter", online, February 2022.
- Twisted differential KO-theories via fermionic mass terms, Japan-Netherlands Online Seminar on Index Theory, Geometry and Physics, online, February 2022.
- On the absence of all heterotic global anomalies, Rikkyo MathPhys 2022, online, January 2022.
- On the absence of all heterotic global anomalies, Tokyo Tech Topology Seminar, Tokyo Institute of Technology, January 2022.
- On the absence of all heterotic global anomalies, Southern University of Science and Technology Topology seminar, online, December 2021.
- Differential pushforwards, Anderson duality and invertible QFT's, Rigorous Statistical Mechanics and Related Topics, online, November 2021.
- Differential pushforwards, Anderson duality and invertible QFT's, ICTP verstual meeting "Generalized Cohomology and Physics",International Centre for Theoretical Physics, November 2021.
- The differential KO-theory and fermionic mass terms, YITP workshop YITP-W-21-11 "Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, October 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFT's and a differential model for the Anderson duals, Recent Developments in Operator Algebras, online, September 2021.
- Algebraic topology and quantum field theories, Kiyoshi Oka female mathematicians seminar, online, September 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFT's and a "differential" model for the Anderson duals, The 68th Geometry Symposium, online, September 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFTfs and a physically motivated model for the Anderson duals, Strings and QFTs seminar, online, September 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFT's and a "differential" model for the Anderson duals, Tuesday Seminar on Topology, University of Tokyo, online, May 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFTfs and a gphysically-motivatedh model for the Anderson duals, Rocky Mountain Mathematical Physics seminar, online, April 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFTfs and a gphysically-motivatedh model for the Anderson duals, CREST Research Seminar on "Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter", online, April 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFTfs and a gphysicists-friendlyh model for the Anderson duals, Wales MPPM Zoom Seminar, online, February 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFT's and a "differential" model for the Anderson duals, OIST workshop ``Quantum Math, Singularities and Applicationsh, online, February 2021.
- Deformation quantizations of torus bundles and a lattice version of Atiyah-Singer index theorem, Contact Structures, Singularities, Differential Equations and Related Topics, online, January 2021.
- The classification problem of non-topological invertible QFT's and a "differential" model for the Anderson duals, Tokyo Tech Geometry Seminar and Tokyo Tech Topology Seminar, online, December 2020.
- Deformation quantizations of Lagrangian torus bundles and their application to lattice gauge theory, Poisson geometry and related topics 2020, online, November 2020.
- Deformation quantizations of torus bundles and a lattice version of Atiyah-Singer index theorem, Workshop on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, online, November 2020.
- Deformation quantizations of torus bundles and a lattice version of Atiyah-Singer index theorem, The 67th Topology Symposium - Online, October 2020.
- Deformation quantizations of Lagrangian torus bundles and their application to lattice gauge theory, Aspects of Mirror Symmetry, online, September 2020.
- A new construction of deformation quantization for Lagrangian fiber bundles, 45th LQP (Local Quantum Physics) workshop, online, June 2020.
- A new construction of strict deformation quantization for Lagrangian fiber bundles, Tokyo-Kyoto Joint Online Operator Algebra Seminar, May 2020.
- A new construction of strict deformation quantization for Lagrangian fiber bundles, Mini workshop "Quantum field theory, algebraic topology and Quantization", the University of Tokyo, March 2020.
- Spectral convergence in geometric quantizations and deformation quantizations, Geometry seminar, Meiji University, February 2020.
- A physicist-friendly reformulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index and its mathematical justification, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, January 2020.
- Spectral convergence in geometric quantizations, East Asian Core Doctoral Forum on Mathematics 2020, Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, January 2020.
- Spectral convergence in geometric quantizations, Differential toplolgy seminar, Kyoto University, December 2019.
- Localization of indices of elliptic operators and infinite-dimensional Witten deformations, Colloquium, Kyoto University, December 2019.
- Geometric quantization via measured Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of metric measure spaces, Oberwolfach Workshop gSubfactors and Applicationsh, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, November 2019.
- Local signatures and infinite-dimensional Witten deformations, Differential geometry and topology seminar, Keio University, October 2019.
- A K-theoretic approach to local signatures, Topological Studies around Riemannian Surfaces, the University of Tokyo, September 2019.
- Adiabatic-type deformations of Lie groupoids and applications, Recent Developments in Operator Algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University, September 2019.
- Index theory on manifolds with fibered boundaries and its applications, The 66th Geometry Symposium, Nagoya University, August 2019.
- Index theory on manifolds with fibered boundaries and its applications, TMU Geometry Seminar, Tokyo Metropolitan University, July 2019.
- On signatures for stratified pseudomanifolds, Geometry Seminar in Nagoya University, Nagoya University, July 2019.
- A topological approach to signature on manifolds with edges, Seminaire dfAlgebres dfOperateurs, Paris Diderot University, June 2019.
- Index theory on manifolds with fibered boundaries and its applications, Kyoto Operator Algebras Seminar, Kyoto University, March 2019.
- A topological approach to indices of geometric operators on manifolds with fibered boundaries, Shinshu Topology Seminar, Shinshu University, February 2019.
- Localization of signature for singular fiber bundles, Operator Algebra Seminar, Univertisy of Tokyo, November 2018.
- Localization of signature for singular hyperelliptic fiber bundles, Junior Meeting on Functional Analysis, Kansai Seminor House, August 2018.
- Finite part of operator K-theory for group C*-algebras, Junior Meeting on Functional
Analysis, Nara Womenfs University, August 2017.
- Coarse index theory of complete Riemannian manifolds, Young Mathematicians in C*-
Algebras conference 2017, the University of Copenhagen, August 2017.