Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I ------------------------------------ ・Added a supplementary explanatory sentence to the Acknowledgements Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory II ------------------------------------- ・Corrected a misprint ("conjugacy synchronization" ---> "conjugate synchronization") in Remark 4.11.2, (iv) Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory III -------------------------------------- ・Deleted the first of the five "\Theta's" in the final sentence of the first paragraph of the Introduction ・Added a supplementary explanatory phrase concerning the term "algorithmically constructible" in the discussion  following the first display of Definition 1.1, (ii) ・Corrected a misprint in the notation following the phrase "object constructed from" in the statement of Proposition 1.2, (vi) ・Added a supplementary explanatory reference "[cf. (i)]" to the statement of Proposition 1.2, (x) ・In Remark 1.2.3, (i), replaced a reference to "[IUTchII], Corollary 3.5, (iii)" by a reference to "[IUTchII], Corollary 3.6, (iii)" ・In Remark 1.2.3, (ii), replace "finite group" by "finite subgroup" ・Corrected a slight inaccuracy of notation in the sentence immediately following the display of Remark 1.2.4, (ii) ・Deleted the final sentence of the statement of Proposition 1.3, (i), concerning the "tautological log-link" ・Corrected a misprint (a missing comma following "(ix)") in the statement of Proposition 1.3, (iii) ・Corrected a misprint in the text immediately following the first display of the statement of Proposition 1.3, (iv) ・Slightly modified the wording of various portions of Remark 1.3.3, (i), (ii) ・Slightly modified the reference to [IUTchI] in the first sentence of the statement of Theorem 1.5, (iii) ("6.11, (i)" --->  "6.11, (i), (iii); 6.13, (i)") ・Corrected two misprints (in the reference to [IUTchII], Corollary 4.5, (ii); "log-theta-lattice" ---> "Gaussian log-theta-lattice") in the  statement of Theorem 1.5, (iii) ・Corrected slightly inaccurate phrasing in the explanation surrounding the final display of the statement of Theorem 1.5, (v) ・Slightly modified the references to "Theorem 1.5, (iii), (iv)" ("(iii), (iv)" ---> "(iii), (iv), (v)": 2 instances) in Remark 1.5.1, (i) ・Highlighted in boldface the phrase "Galois-theoretic Kummer classes" in Remark 1.5.1, (ii) ・Slightly modified the phrasing of the first sentence of Remark 1.5.3, (iii) ・In the first paragraph os \S 2, replaced "theta monoids" by "theta monoids/Frobenioids" ・At the beginning of the statement of Theorem 2.2, added supplementary references to [IUTchI], Definition 5.2, and [IUTchII],  Definition 4.9 ・In the statement of Theorem 2.2, (ii), added the supplementary explanatory phrase "second displayed" to the reference to Proposition  2.1, (vi), and slightly rephrased the reference to [IUTchII], Corollary 4.6 ・Added an explanation of notation ("G_{\underline{v}}") at the beginning of Remark 2.2.1, (i) ・In Remark 2.2.1, (iii), added references to [IUTchII], Example 1.8, (ii), (iii) ・Slightly reworded Corollary 2.3, (iv); included a reference to Theorem 1.5, (v) ・Modified the superscripts of "\pi_1" ("rat" ---> "\kappa-sol", 6 instances) in Remark 2.3.2; Theorem 3.11, (ii); Theorem 3.11, (iii), (d) ・In Remark 2.3.2, slightly modified the wording ("analogous ... properties to" ---> "... properties analogous to") and corrected a slight  oversight in the notation concerning radial components ・Corrected a misprint ("Definition 4.1, (ii), (v)" ---> "Definition 4.1, (ii)") in Remark 2.3.3, (iii) ・Slightly modified the text surrounding the second display (e.g., added a reference to [IUTchII], Remark 1.5.2), as well as the text  surrounding the fifth display of Remark 2.3.3, (vi) ・Corrected a misprint in the caption for Fig. 2.5 ("theta function" ---> "the theta function") ・Corrected a misprint in Remark 2.3.4, (i) ("Remarks 2.2.2," ---> "Remarks 2.2.1,") ・In Remark 2.3.4, (ii), added a reference to [EtTh], Remark 2.14.3, and slightly modified the wording of the final portion of the discussion ・In Remark 2.3.4, (iii), put the terms "theta sections" and "algebraic sections" in boldface and slightly modified the wording in the final  display ・Corrected a misprint ("tensor product" ---> "topological tensor product") in the explanation immediately following the display of Remark 3.1.1, (i) ・Slightly modified the reference to [IUTchII], Corollary 4.8, (ii), at the beginning of Proposition 3.3 ・Corrected a slight misstatement in the first display (i.e., "(a), (b)") of Example 3.6, (i) ・In Remark 3.6.2, corrected slightly inaccurate wording in the first, third, and final sentences and added a reference to [AbsTopIII], Remark 5.10.2,  (iv) ・Slightly reworded the explanation preceding the reference to Corollary 2.3, (iv), in the statement of Theorem 3.11, (iii), (c);  included a reference to Proposition 2.1, (vi) ・Corrected a misprint ("anlytic" ---> "analytic") in Remark 3.11.2, (ii)