Kento Yasuda’s Homepage (首都大・安田健人)

Kento Yasuda (安田 健人)

Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University

Ph.D (Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2021/Mar./25th)


Program-Specific Assistant Professor: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University (2024/Apr.-Present)
Postdoctoral Researcher: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University (2021/Apr.-2024/Mar.) [JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists PD]
Ph.D: Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University (2018/Apr.-2021/Mar.) [under the supervision of Prof. S. Komura, with JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (DC1)]
Master: Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University (2016/Apr.-2018/Mar.) [under the supervision of Prof. S. Komura]
Bachelor: Devision of Chemistry, Faculty of Urban Liberal Arts, Tokyo Metropolitan University (2014/Apr.-2016/Mar.)
・Faculty of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tokyo College of National Institute of Technology (2009/Apr.-2014/Mar.)
・Born in Tokyo Japan (1993)


・Ph.D (Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2021/Mar./25th)
Thesis: Theoretical study on self-propulsion and state transition of micromachines
・M.Sc. (Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2018/Mar./25th)
Thesis: Micromachines swimming in viscoelastic fluids


・Invited talk "Odd elastohydrodynamics: non-reciprocal living material in a viscous fluid" in APS March Meeting 2024 (2024/Mar.)
・新学術領域研究:情報物理でひもとく生命の秩序と設計原理 第5回領域会議発表賞「アクティブブラウン粒子の最頻経路」(2022/June)
・新学術領域研究:情報物理でひもとく生命の秩序と設計原理 第1回領域研究賞「Odd弾性率によるマイクロマシンの非平衡動力学の記述」(2022/Feb.)
第74回年次大会(2019年)日本物理学会学生優秀発表賞 (2019/May)
・JPSJ Papers of Editors’ Choice "Swimmer-microrheology" (2017/Mar.)


科研費(特別研究員奨励費PD) (2021/Apr.–2024/Mar.)
科研費(特別研究員奨励費DC1) (2018/Apr.–2021/Mar.)

Press release

・New Scientist "Sperm caught breaking Newton's third law of motion" (2023/Oct./20)
・EurekAlert! "Never too odd to learn how to swim" (2022/June/06)
自ら流体中を泳ぐ「奇弾性体」の発見 --生き物らしい自律的なマイクロマシンの仕組み-- (2022/June/06)
・EurekAlert! "Can 'microswimmers' swim through jelly?" (2018/Aug.27)
構造流体中のマイクロスイマーの遊泳原理を解明:ゼリーの中で泳ぐには (2018/Aug./29)
・日刊工業新聞「ソフトマター内のマイクロマシン、首都大東京が遊泳機構を解明 医療応用に期待」(2017/Apr./11)

Public profile

Google scholar citations
Researcher ID : L-5203-2017
ORCID : 0000-0003-4275-775X


Library Study Assistant in Minami-Osawa TMU Library (2016/Oct.-2019/Aug.)
・Chemistry lecturer (part-time) in Tokyo Salesian College of Technology (2019/Sept.-2020/Mar.)

