Numerical methods for Fredholm integral equations based on Padua points

TitleNumerical methods for Fredholm integral equations based on Padua points
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsLaguardia, AL, Russo, MG
JournalDolomites Research Notes on Approximation
Date Published12/2022
PublisherPadova University Press
Place PublishedPadova, IT
ISSN Number2035-6803

The numerical solution of two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations on the square by Nyström and collocation methods based on the Padua points is investigated. The convergence, stability and well conditioning of the methods are proved in suitable subspaces of continuous functions of Sobolev type. Some numerical examples illustrate the efficiency of the methods. A comparison with the tensorial approximation methods, of Nyström and collocation type, based on Legendre zeros, is given.
