On the Lebesgue constant of the trigonometric Floater-Hormann rational interpolant at equally spaced nodes

TitleOn the Lebesgue constant of the trigonometric Floater-Hormann rational interpolant at equally spaced nodes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBandiziol, C, De Marchi, S
JournalDolomites Research Notes on Approximation
Date Published06/2019
PublisherPadova University Press
Place PublishedPadova, IT
ISSN Number2035-6803
Keywordsbarycentric rational interpolation, Lebesgue constant, trigonometric interpolation

It is well known that the classical polynomial interpolation gives bad approximation if the nodes are equispaced. A valid alternative is the family of barycentric rational interpolants introduced by Berrut in [4], analyzed in terms of stability by Berrut and Mittelmann in [5] and their extension done by Floater and Hormann in [8]. In this paper firstly we extend them to the trigonometric case, then as in the Floater-Hormann classical interpolant, we study the growth of the Lebesgue constant on equally spaced points. We show that the growth is logarithmic providing a stable interpolation operator
