Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2023 (2023), No. 03, pp. 1-26.

Internal stabilization of interconnected heat-wave equations

Xiu-Fang Yu, Jun-Min Wang, Han-Wen Zhang

This article concerns the internal stabilization problem of 1-D interconnected heat-wave equations, where information exchange and the two actuators occur at the adjacent side of the two equations. By designing an inverse back-stepping transformation, the original system is converted into a dissipative target system. Moreover, we investigate the eigenvalues distribution and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the closed-loop system by an asymptotic analysis method. This shows that the spectrum of the system can be divided into two families: one distributed along the a line parallel to the left side of the imaginary axis and symmetric to the real axis, and the other on the left half real axis. Then we work on the properties of the resolvent operator and we verify that the root subspace is complete. Finally, we prove that the closed-loop system is exponentially stable.

Submitted September 2, 2022. Published January 6, 2023.
Math Subject Classifications: 93C20, 93D15.
Key Words: Heat-wave equation; boundary control; spectrum; root subspace; exponential stability.

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Xiu-Fang Yu
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Beijing Institute of Technology
Beijing 100081, China
email: 15735185498@163.com
Jun-Min Wang
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Beijing Institute of Technology
Beijing 100081, China
email: jmwang@bit.edu.cn
Han-Wen Zhang
School of Automation and Software Engineering
Shanxi University
Taiyuan Shanxi 030006, China
email: zhanghanwen_mm@163.com

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