The approach of Otto-Reznikoff revisited

Georg Menz (Stanford University)


In this article we consider a lattice system of unbounded continuous spins. Otto and Reznikoff used the two-scale approach to show that exponential decay of correlations yields a logarithmic Sobolev inequality (LSI) with uniform constant in the system size. We improve their statement by weakening the assumptions, for which a more detailed analysis based on two new ingredients is needed. The two new ingredients are a covariance estimate and a uniform moment estimate. We additionally provide a comparison principle for covariances showing that the correlations of a conditioned Gibbs measure are controlled by the correlations of the original Gibbs measure with ferromagnetic interaction. This comparison principle simplifies the verification of the hypotheses of the main result. As an application of the main result we show how sufficient algebraic decay of correlations yields the uniqueness of the infinite-volume Gibbs measure, generalizing a result of Yoshida from finite-range to infinite-range interaction.

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Pages: 1-27

Publication Date: November 6, 2014

DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v19-3418


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