EMIS/ELibM Electronic Journals

Outdated Archival Version

These pages are not updated anymore. They reflect the state of 2 Oct 2005. For the current production of this journal, please refer to http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uexm20.

Experimental Mathematics: Fonts

For subscription or editorial inquiries, please contact us by email, telephone, or mail.

A K Peters, Ltd.
5 Commonwealth Road
Suite 2C
Natick, MA 01760-1526
Tel: 508.651.0887
Fax: 508.651.0889

Are characters missing or replaced by rectangles?

Experimental Mathematics


The Experimental Mathematics web site uses Unicode fonts in order to accurately display mathematical symbols. It's possible that you do not have a suitable font preinstalled on your system. As a result you may see characters within the text that are missing or replaced with rectangles. Below you will find a list of the fonts we support and information on how to obtain those fonts.

  • Windows
    • Arial Unicode MS

      This font is Supplied with Microsoft Office 2000, FrontPage 2000, Office XP and Publisher 2002.

    • Lucida Sans Unicode

      Supplied with Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

    • Caslon

  • Max OS X
    • Lucida Grande

      Included with Mac OS X 10.2

    • Everson Mono Unicode

      Shareware, registration is US $33.00 for use on maximum 3 CPUs. More information and download from Everson Typography: Everson Mono

  • Unix-like systems

For more information regarding Unicode fonts, please refer to Unicode and Multilingual Support in HTML, Fonts, Web Browsers and Other Applications.

When released, we intend to support the fonts provided by the STIX Fonts Project.

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