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ETNA's keyword search

This is a searchable index for all of ETNA's published articles. To search for articles, just enter a query.

Our search engine is Glimpse which was developed at the University of Arizona. Its documentation and source code are available from glimpse.cs.arizona.edu.

Sample Queries

Case-insensitive searching
Searching is case-insensitive, e.g., the queries matrix, Matrix, and MATRIX will all yield the same results.
No accented letters
Words containing accented characters or language-specific ligatures (Ä, ..., ü, ß, à, ..., ç, etc.) are not likely to be found because they often do not make it into the search index. Therefore searching for words containing such characters should be avoided.
No wildcards
The default Glimpse (right truncation) 'wildcard' symbol, '#', is not supported, i.e., the query alg# will not find articles containing words like algebra or algorithm.
Boolean 'AND' queries
Glimpse uses ';' as the 'AND' operator. The query 65F10;eigenvalues will find the intersection of all the documents containing the words 65F10 (AMS subject classification for iterative methods) and eigenvalues.
Boolean 'OR' queries
Glimpse uses ',' as the 'OR' operator. The query eigenvectors,eigenvalues will find the union of all the documents containing the words eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
Boolean 'NOT' queries
Glimpse uses '~' as the 'NOT' operator. The query Krylov;~Lanczos will find all the documents containing the word Krylov, and excluding the documents containing the word Lanczos.
Nested Boolean queries
The query {{65F10;Krylov},iterative};~Lanczos will find the intersection of all the documents containing the words 65F10, and Krylov. It will then add (union) all documents containing the word iterative. Finally, it will exclude all documents containing the word Lanczos.
Quoted Strings
Glimpse can find all files which contain a string. For instance, one can enter the string "positive semidefinite" to find all manuscripts which contain that phrase.
Addtional Information
Additional information on Glimpses's search capabilities is available at glimpse.cs.arizona.edu.