DOI: 10.7155/jgaa.00139
Challenging Complexity of Maximum Common Subgraph Detection Algorithms: A Performance Analysis of Three Algorithms on a Wide Database of Graphs
Donatello Conte , Pasquale Foggia , and Mario Vento
Vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 99-143, 2007. Regular paper

Abstract Graphs are an extremely general and powerful data structure. In pattern recognition and computer vision, graphs are used to represent patterns to be recognized or classified. Detection of maximum common subgraph (MCS) is useful for matching, comparing and evaluate the similarity of patterns. MCS is a well known NP-complete problem for which optimal and suboptimal algorithms are known from the literature. Nevertheless, until now no effort has been done for characterizing their performance. The lack of a large database of graphs makes the task of comparing the performance of different graph matching algorithms difficult, and often the selection of an algorithm is made on the basis of a few experimental results available. In this paper, three optimal and well-known algorithms for maximum common subgraph detection are described. Moreover a large database containing various categories of pairs of graphs (e.g. random graphs, meshes, bounded valence graphs), is presented, and the performance of the three algorithms is evaluated on this database.
Submitted: September 2005.
Revised: January 2007.
Communicated by Ulrik Brandes

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications