[ 京都大学 | 数理解析研究所 | 計算機科学 ] [ ホームページ ] [ In English ] (2000年8月4日更新)



Models of Sharing Graphs: A Categorical Semantics of let and letrec

Masahito Hasegawa, Kyoto University, Japan
xii+134 pages, 234 x 156mm hardcover; ISBN 1-85233-145-3, Springer Distinguished Dissertation Series (1999)

学位論文 (1997) を改訂したものです。


The Distinguished Dissertation Series is published on behalf of the Conference of Professors and Heads of Computing and the British Computer Society, who annually select the best British PhD dissertations in computer science for publication.

The dissertations are selected on behalf of the CPHC by a panel of eight academics. Each dissertation chosen makes a noteworthy contribution to the subject and reaches a high standard of exposition, placing all results clearly in the context of computer science as a whole. In this way computer scientists with significantly different interests are able to grasp the essentials - or even find a means of entry - to an unfamiliar research topic.

Models of Sharing Graphs presents a sound mathematical basis for reasoning about models of computation involving shared resources, including graph rewriting systems, denotational semantics and concurrency theory.
An algebraic approach, based on the language of category theory, is taken throughout this work, which enables the author to describe several aspects of the notion of sharing in a systematic way. In particular, a novel account of recursive computation created from cyclic sharing is developped using this framework.


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品切のお知らせ(2000年5月) おかげさまで、発売後一年経たないうちに完売となりました。 ご購入頂いた皆様、ありがとうございました。 出版社としては、再版の予定はないそうです。 (今後、入手できるのは書店等の在庫に限られます。)

[ NACSISで所蔵図書館を検索 ]


本書の(主に第6〜7章の)短い和文解説が、 コンピュータソフトウェア 16(2):62-66 (1999)と17(1):15-18 (2000)に掲載されています。 また、関連論文のいくつかはこのページから入手可能です (TLCA'97TACS'97CSL'97)。


長谷川真人 <hassei at kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町 京都大学数理解析研究所
電話番号: 075-753-7243 / ファックス: 075-753-7272