Homotopical Arithmetic Geometry Seminar - 7 Topics - 2020
Org.: Collas (RIMS); Sawada (RIMS).
The programme of this semester is organized in 7 topics around Grothendieck's conjectures that are (1) the existence of sections and rational points (T1 & T6), and (2) some potential obstructions to anabelian phenomenon (T4 & T5). Our approach follows the étale homotopy type and A1-geometry, whose simplicial and homotopical techniques provides some complementary approaches via higher homotopy groups and cohomology theories.
An additional grounding is provided by 3 seminal arithmetic constructions whose common aspect is the consideration of anabelian constructions in higher dimensions or for higher symmetries.
Programme and Schedule
The seminar takes place by Zoom every two weeks on Wednesday 16:00-19:00, JP time (8:00-11:00, UK time; 9:00-12:00 FR time) -- See Programme for details and references.
06/10 | T+ | Anabelian Geometry by m-solvability for curves and number fields | Yamaguchi |
06/24 | T1 | Brauer & Étale homotopy type rational obstructions (1/2) | Porowski |
07/08 | Hurwitz Spaces | Prof. P. Dèbes | |
07/22 | T7 | Arithmetic of gerbes | Ishii |
08/05 | T3a | Good reduction & Ogg-Neron-Shafarevich | Philip |
08/26 | T3b | Anabelian good reduction for curves | Sawada |
09/02 | T3c | Anabelian good reduction criterion for polycurves | Nagamachi |
09/16 | T2 | Arithmetic Geometry - open discussion session | Collas |
09/23 | T1 | Brauer & Étale homotopy type rational obstructions (2/2) | Porowski |
10/07 | T2 | Log-compactification of moduli stacks of curves ![]() | Prof. F. Kato |
10/14 | T6* | Etale Homotopy Obstructions and Section Conjectures in Fibrations | Corwin |

- Benjamin Collas, RIMS - Kyoto University, JP;
- David Corwin, Berkeley University, US;
- Pierre Dèbes, Lille University, FR;
- Tim Holzschuh, RIMS - Heidelberg University, JP/GE;
- Yu Iijima, Hiroshima University, JP;
- Shun Ishii, RIMS - Kyoto University, JP;
- Ippei Nagamachi, Tokyo University, JP;
- Séverin Philip, Université Grenoble Alpes, FR;
- Wojciech Porowski, RIMS - Nottingham University, JP/UK;
- Koichiro Sawada, RIMS - Kyoto University, JP;
- Densuke Shiraishi, Osaka, University, JP;
- Naganori Yamaguchi, RIMS - Kyoto University, JP;
- Tomoki Yuji, RIMS - Kyoto University, JP;
Additional Information
Zoom Seminar

Hardware, Software, and MO for the seminar:
- Hardware: PDF Beamer; XP-PEN Star G640 (Graphic tablet, windows); XP-PEN Star Artist 12 (Graphic tablet, mac OS);
- Software: Microsoft OneNote (Windows); Zoom Whiteboard;
- MO for more interactions: Speaker (Vid ON, Mic ON); Audience (Vid ON, Mic OFF); Many short breaks for questions & comments.
Programme update [09/17/2020]
Because of its intersection with last semester seminar and the 2019 KTGU Talk ``Arithmetic homotopic geometry, towards higher symmetries'', the Talk ``A1-Homotopy theory & Anabelian geometry'' has been replaced.Contact
Would you be interested in attending or giving a talk, please contact one of the organizer (bcollas@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp or K. Sawada.)