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"Hassei" = Masahito Hasegawa's Home Page

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Who is Hassei?       hassei

Masahito Hasegawa - professor at RIMS, Kyoto University.
Here are a few pictures and a brief CV.
[ ORCID | Mathematics Genealogy Project ]


Research    sliding

I am a member of Computer Science Group at Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, where a variety of research activities in theoretical computer science are pursued (see recent publications by the members).
For my own research interests and outputs, see the following:

Research Interests Research Papers Manuscripts, Slides

Recent Activities: CSL2020, FSCD2020, CSL2021, MFPS2022, ACT2023, LICS2024, MFPS2024 (PC member)
A Workshop in Honour of John Power on the occasion of his 60th Birthday Kyoto, December 2019 (Organizer)
[The Power Festschrift part I] [The Power Festschrift part II]
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (Editorial Board Member)


Miscellaneous Files misc


Links links

Japan and Scotland indicate sites in Japan and Scotland respectively.

Masahito Hasegawa <hassei at kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8502 Japan
Tel: +81-75-753-7243 / Fax: +81-75-753-7272