
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology

Dates: June 2, 2010 (Wed) - June 4, 2010 (Fri)

Place: Rm 420, RIMS, Kyoto University (How to get there)


(PDF version, with abstracts)

June 2 (Wed)

13:20--14:10   Hiroshi Matsuda (Hiroshima University)
An extension of Burau representation, and a deformation of Alexander polynomial

14:30--15:20   Takefumi Nosaka (RIMS, Kyoto university)
4-fold symmetric quandle invariants of 3-manifolds (joint work with Eri Hatakenaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology))

15:40--16:30   Yuichi Kabaya (OCAMI, Osaka City University)
Quandle cocycles from group cocycles

June 3 (Thu)

10:00--10:50   Kouki Taniyama (Waseda University)
Multiplicity distance of knots

11:10--12:00   Masahide Iwakiri (OCAMI, Osaka City University)
Invariants of conjugacy classes of surface braids derived from Alexander quandles or core quandles

13:20--14:10   Akira Yasuhara (Tokyo Gakugei University)
Finite type invariants of string links and the HOMFLYPT polynomial of knots (with Jean-Baptiste Meilhan, University of Grenoble 1)

14:30--15:20   Nobuya Sato (Rikkyo University)
An introduction to the planar algebras

15:40--          Problem Session

June 4 (Fri)

10:00--10:50   Takuya Sakasai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Factorization formulas of higher-order Alexander invariants for homologically fibered knots (joint work with Hiroshi Goda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology))

11:10--12:00   Eiko Kin (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Bounds of minimal dilatation for pseudo-Anosovs and the magic 3-manifold (joint work with Mitsuhiko Takasawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology))

13:20--14:10   Tetsuya Abe (OCAMI, Osaka City University, JSPS research fellow PD)
Lee's homology and Rasmussen invariant

14:30--15:20   András Juhász (University of Cambridge)
Classifying minimal genus Seifert surfaces

Problems on low-dimensional topology (Problem list)

Scientific Committee: Akio Kawauchi, Toshitake Kohno, Taizo Kanenobu, Seiichi Kamada, Tomotada Ohtsuki, Kazuo Habiro
Organizers: Tomotada Ohtsuki, Kazuo Habiro (RIMS, Kyoto University)