RIMS International Project Research 2012

About Discrete Geometric Analysis
    Discrete geometric analysis is a hybrid field of several traditional disciplines; say, graph theory, geometry, theory of discrete groups, and probability. The terminology "Discrete Geometric Analysis" was invented by Toshikazu Sunada. (See the survey by Sunada (Proc. of Symposia in Pure Math. 77, pp. 51--86, AMS, 2008) for his original ideas of this field.)

    The first international conference on this hybrid field was held at Sendai, Japan on December 12-20, 2003, entitled "the First JAMS Symposium on Discrete Geometric Analysis". The proceedings of the conference is available from AMS Contemporary Math. series, vol 347.

    In July 28 - August 8, 2008, the first MSJ-SI organized by Math. Soc. of Japan entitled Probabilistic Approach to Geometry was held in Kyoto. The proceedings of the conference is available from MSJ Advanced Studies in Pure Math. Series, vol. 57.

    Discrete Geometric Analysis has been extending and making new interactions in many fields.