XPQϊij | |
10:00--11:00 | Vδ[ξiεj |
On uniform lower bound of the Galois images associated to elliptic curves | |
11:15--12:15 | Anna Cadoreti[ζPεj |
Descent theory for covers and rational points on Hurwitz spaces | |
14:00--15:00 | Mohamed SaïdiiGNZ^[εj |
Galois covers and semi-stable reduction of curves I | |
15:15--16:15 | Α‘Ά³iεj |
Degeneration of weak ramifications and its application to automorphism group of ordinary curves (joint-work with Gunther Cornelissen) | |
16:30--17:30 | Ό{αΑiLεj |
Continuous Malcev completion and Galois action on it | |
XPRϊiΞj | |
10:00--11:00 | ΨΊΣηiε€j |
About Fried's modular towers (joint talk -- part 1) | |
11:15--12:15 | Anna Cadoreti[ζPεj |
About Fried's conjectures for modular towers (joint talk -- part 2) | |
14:00--15:00 | Mohamed SaïdiiGNZ^[εj |
Galois covers and semi-stable reduction of curves II | |
15:15--16:15 | Rmδriε€j |
On solvable quotients of fundamental groups of algebraic varieties in value distribution theory | |
16:30-- | TBA |
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Date: | May 26 (Thu), 2005, 16:00-17:00 |
Speaker: | Christopher Rasmussen (Rice University, USA) |
Title: |
On the torsion of Jacobian varieties of X(p^n)
Abstract: |
In this talk, we study the fixed field of the kernel of a particular
representation of the absolute Galois group, into the outer automorphisms of
the (pro-p) fundamental group of the projective line minus three points.
Although well studied, many properties of this representation are still
unknown, such as the size of the field in question.
We will present new work, following the techniques of Anderson and Ihara, demonstrating fields of p-power torsion of the Jacobian varieties of modular curves of level p^N are rational over this field, in the case p=3. The result rests on both the arithmetic and geometry of X(p^N), when viewed as a cover of the projective line minus three points. This work is joint with Matt Papanikolas. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 206 |
QPUϊi j | |
13:00--14:00 | ΊΊiͺRεj |
Some problems in higher dimensional anabelian varieties | |
14:30--15:30 | Jakob Stixi{εj |
Anabelian properties of the moduli space of smooth curves | |
16:00--17:30 | ]Vκiε€j |
Absolute anabelian cuspidalizations of proper hyperbolic curves | |
QPVϊiΨj | |
10:00--11:00 | Jakob Stixi{εj |
A logarithmic view towards semistable reduction of curves | |
11:30--12:30 | ΚμΐRjiε€j |
Resolution of nonsingularities of families of curves | |
14:00--14:45 | ¬Όis§εj |
On the diameters of Grothendieck dessins | |
15:00--15:45 | ½VΰrYiγεj |
Finiteness of abelian fundamental groups with restricted ramification |
Date: | Monday, January 17, 2005, 10:00-11:30 |
Speaker: | Chia-Fu Yu (Academia Sinica) |
Title: |
Basic points in moduli spaces of PEL-type
Abstract: | In this talk we will introduce the moduli spaces of PEL-type and the notion of basic points in the moduli spaces modulo a prime p according to Kottwitz. Then we sketch a proof of the existence of basic points and describe a connection with Hecke orbit problems. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 202 |
Date: | Thursday, July 17, 2003, 3:15-- |
Speaker: | Takuya Yamauchi (Hiroshima University) |
Title: |
On $\mathbb{Q}$-simple factors of $J_0(N)$
Let $X$ be a proper, smooth, geometrically connected curve over any field $k$ and $J(X)$ be the jacobian variety of $X$. We say that $J(X)$ is completely decomposable over $k$ if there is an isogeny over $k$ between $J(X)$ and a product of elliptic curves. In general, it seems to be difficult to find precise informations of factors of $J(X)$. Therefore, we restrict our attention to modular curves of type $X_0(N)$. Then as a result, we give all positive integers $N$ for which $J_0(N)$ is completely decomposable over the rational number field. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 206 |
Date: | Thursday, July 17, 2003, 4:00-- |
Speaker: | Josep Gonzalez (Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya) |
Title: |
Finiteness results for Modular curves of genus at least 2
A curve $X$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ is modular if it is dominated by $X_1(N)$ for some $N$; if in addition the image of its jacobian in $J_1(N)$ is contained in the new subvariety of $J_1(N)$, then $X$ is called a new modular curve (for the level $N$). We prove that for each $\geq 2$, the set of new modular curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of genus $g$ is finite and computable. Similar finiteness results are proved for new modular curves of bounded gonality. In particular, we find all new modular curves of genus $2$ explicitily, and construct what might be the complete list of all new modular hyperelliptic curves of all genera. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 206 |
Date: | Tuesday, May 8, 11:00 -- 12:30 |
Speaker: | Ralph Greenberg (University of Washington) |
Title: |
The Structure of Galois Cohomology Groups
Room: | RIMS, Room 202 |
Date: | Tuesday, April 3, 2001, 10:00 - 11:00 |
Speaker: | Florian Pop (Bonn University) |
Title: |
Birational pro-l anabelian phenomena over algebraically
closed fields We will show that the function fields of transcendence degree >1 over algebraically closed fields are pro-l anabelian. We will give some details about the local theory, which is the main ingredient in the proof. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 202 |
Date: | Tuesday, April 3, 2001, 11:30 - 12:30 |
Speaker: | Akio Tamagawa (RIMS, Kyoto University) |
Title: |
Fundamental groups of curves in positive characteristic (A generalization of results of Pop, Saidi, and Raynaud) Applying Raynaud's theory of theta divisors, Pop and Saidi (resp., Raynaud himself) proved that the isomorphism class of the fundamental group of a proper, smooth curve of genus $g\geq 2$ over ${\overline{\Bbb F}}_p$ determines the isomorphism class of the curve up to finite possibilities, under the assumption that the Jacobian variety is simple and of p-rank g or g-1 (resp., that either g=2 or the Jacobian variety is supersingular). After reviewing their results briefly, I will explain how to remove the assumptions. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 202 |
Date: | Monday, April 2, 2001, 10:00 - 11:00 |
Speaker: | Florian Pop (Bonn University) |
Title: |
Applications of Milnor's conjecture
We will present two applications of the now proved Milnor conjecture (by Voevodsky et al). Both concern arithmetic of finitely generated fields: First one is about sums of squares, and the second one is a positive answer to a long standing question concerning the relation between elementary equivalence versus the isomorphism of such fields. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 202 |
Date: | Monday, April 2, 2001, 11:30 - 12:30 |
Speaker: | Hiroaki Nakamura (Tokyo Metropolitan University) |
Title: |
Some IHX-type relations of trivalent graphs related to Morita-Mumford
cohomology classes
We present a relation between invariants of trivalent graphs realized in a certain exterior algebra. We try to explain related background materials from the theory of Morita, Kawazumi-Morita. |
Room: | RIMS, Room 202 |
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Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences |
Last modified: June 8, 2005 |