Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications
山田 耕三
Kohzo Yamada
目 次
1. RECENT PROGRESS IN TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS : SELECTED TOPICS (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)---1
    愛媛大学理学部   Shakhmatov,Dmitri
2. Continuous maps of dendrites with finite branch points and nonwandering sets (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)---20
    筑波技術短期大学/筑波大学数学系/筑波大学数学研究科   新井 達也/知念 直紹/須田 貴之 (Arai,Tatsuya/Chinen,Naotsugu/Suda,Takayuki)
3. 幾何学的トポロジーの最近の話題 (集合論的・幾何学的トポロジーとその応用の研究)----------------------------------------------------26
    大阪教育大学   小山 晃 (Koyama,Akira)
4. On shape theory and its applications (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)-------------------46
    静岡理工科大学理工学部   宮田 任寿 (Miyata,Takahisa)
5. Extensions of partitions of unity and covers (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)-----------55
    筑波大学数学系   山崎 薫里 (Yamazaki,Kaori)
6. On metrizable spaces in dimension theory (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)---------------62
    Department of Mathematics, George Mason University   Kulesza,John
7. THE $\rm{M}_3 \Rightarrow \rm{M}_1$ QUESTION AND FUNCTION SPACES (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)---69
    横浜国立大学工学部   玉野 研一 (Tamano,Kenichi)
8. One development of the $\rm{M}_3$ vs. $\rm{M}_1$ problem (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)---77
    上越教育大学学校教育学部/上越教育大学学校教育学部   溝上 武実/嶋根 紀仁 (Mizokami,Takemi/Shimane,Norihito)
9. An Elementary Construction of a Cantor Set with Arbitrary Hausdorff Dimension (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)---86
    香川大学教育学部   深石 博夫/山路 広信 (Fukaishi,Hiroo/Yamaji,Hironobu)
10. Higson compactification of the half-open intervals (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)----96
    弓削商船高等専門学校/都城工業高等専門学校   岩本 豊/友安 一夫 (Iwamoto,Yutaka/Tomoyasu,Kazuo)
11. 複体に関するEDWARDS-WALSH RESOLUTIONSとABELIAN GROUPS (集合論的・幾何学的トポロジーとその応用の研究)---------------------------102
    島根大学総合理工学部   横井 勝弥 (Yokoi,Katsuya)
12. COXETER GROUPSの境界とVIRTUAL COHOMOLOGICAL DIMENSIONについて (集合論的・幾何学的トポロジーとその応用の研究)-------------------106
    筑波大学数学研究科/島根大学総合理工学部   保坂 哲也/横井 勝弥 (Hosaka,Tetsuya/Yokoi,Katsuya)
13. ON PROPERTIES OF RELATIVE METACOMPACTNESS AND PARACOMPACTNESS TYPE (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)---112
    愛媛大学理工学研究科   宮嵜 和美 (Miyazaki,Kazumi)
14. ON $\mathcal{L}$-STARCOMPACT SPACES (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)------------------120
    静岡大学理工学研究科   宋 延奎 (Song,Yan-Kui)
15. GO-spaces and orderability of compactifications (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)------127
    東京学芸大学   田中 祥雄 (Tanaka,Yoshio)