Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications
道工 勇, 清水 昭信
Isamu Doku, Akinobu Shimizu
目 次
1. TWO TOPICS ON FLEMING-VIOT PROCESSES (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---1
    東京理科大学理工学部   平場 誠示 (Hiraba,Seiji)
2. Ergodic properties of Fleming-Viot processes with selection and recombination (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---20
    静岡大学理学部   板津 誠一 (Itatsu,Seiichi)
3. 測度値拡散過程に対する可逆性の問題について (自然現象に現れる数学モデル及び確率過程とその周辺)------------------------------------30
    佐賀大学理工学部   半田 賢司 (Handa,Kenji)
4. 生息地の破壊がもたらす個体群動態への影響 (自然現象に現れる数学モデル及び確率過程とその周辺)--------------------------------------41
    静岡大学工学部システム工学科/名古屋市立大学自然科学研究教育センター   佐藤 一憲/清水 昭信 (Sato,Kazunori/Shimizu,Akinobu)
5. Infinite Allele Model with Fluctuating Population Size and the Effective Size of Population (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---44
    九州歯科大学   飯塚 勝 (Iizuka,Masaru)
6. Compensatory Neutral Mutation Model with Dominance (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---54
    九州歯科大学/九州大学理学研究科   飯塚 勝/角 友之 (Iizuka,Masaru/Kado,Tomoyuki)
7. Generalized Ewens' Sampling Formulas (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---64
    名古屋市立大学自然科学研究教育センター   清水 昭信 (Shimizu,Akinobu)
8. ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF CONTINUOUS-TIME MARKOV CHAINS OF THE EHRENFEST TYPE WITH APPLICATIONS (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---79
    神奈川大学工学部   成田 清正 (Narita,Kiyomasa)
9. Domany-Kinzelモデルの双対性 (自然現象に現れる数学モデル及び確率過程とその周辺)--------------------------------------------------104
    横浜国立大学工学部   今野 紀雄 (Konno,Norio)
10. A Limit Theorem for Measure-Valued Processes in A Super-Diffusive Medium (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---105
    埼玉大学教育学部   道工 勇 (Doku,Isamu)
11. The Levy Laplacian and the Number Operator (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---126
    名城大学理工学部/名城大学理工学部   西 健次郎/斉藤 公明 (Nishi,Kenjiro/Saito,Kimiaki)
12. Non-Gaussian random fields and their multiple Markov properties (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---137
    愛知県立大学情報科学部   Si,Si
13. Path Level Large Deviation of Measure-Valued Processes in A Random Medium (Mathematical Models and Stochastic Processes Arising in Natural Phenomena and Their Applications)---144
    埼玉大学教育学部   道工 勇 (Doku,Isamu)